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Posts posted by Adam

  1. 46 minutes ago, Rislem said:

    For some reason when I update my server the save files go missing, anyone else had this issue?

    This config might be running as a user for each service. if it is it is most likely saving to that spefic user folder TCAdmin creates.

    When they give us the option to save to ThisService.RootDirectory it will help a ton. 

  2. Space Engineers With Torch API Integration


    Please ensure that you have .net framework 4.8 installed as Torch API requires it


    • Simply install it via the plugin repository in TCAdmin (Settings > Plugin Repository > Game Configs > Space Engineers With Torch API Integration
    • For windows only

    Manual Install

    1. Download the config
    2. Go to TCAdmin > System > Settings > Game & Voice Hosting > Game & Other Voice Servers > Import
    3. Save the config as a new config or chose "Overwrite existing config" if you wish to overwrite your current Space Engineers config. Remember to select Space Engineers in the 'Update Game' field if you do
    4. Leave all other settings


    • Downloads and installs the latest version of Torch API on deployment
    • Downloads and installs the latest version of Torch API on Re-install
    • Downloads and installs the latest version of Torch API on steam update
    • Small config editor for SpaceEngineers-Dedicated.cfg
    • Steam Workshop working
    • Query working
    • Web console working
    • Can update Torch API via updates tab
    • Logs


    • Finish config editor for SpaceEngineers-Dedicated.cfg
    • config editor for torch.cfg


    Please note: This is a semi un-tested config if you find any issues or would like improvements comment below


  3. 19 minutes ago, Ebarker said:

    Need help with Conan Exiles modlist.txt issues.


    When ever I update a mod it removes it from its needed load order on the list and puts it down to the bottom, messing up my mod load order file.. is there anyway to stop this from happening?

    Not sure if you are running the latest scripts but this is updated to keep the order of modlist.txt https://help.tcadmin.com/Workshop_Browser#Conan_Exiles


    1 hour ago, Gardiny said:

    service starting and after few seconds crash and repeat, i dont se any logs or something... you dont have this problem?

    no, it works fine on my end, make sure you have all the requirements like .netframework, direct-x etc etc

  5. 1 hour ago, slymerog said:

    I love the look of this theme! Is there anyway to change the background to the login screen?

    Yes if you go into here https://github.com/AdamG100/TCAdmin-Discord-Inspired-V2/blob/main/MVC/Base/Login/Index.css (Line 2)

    On the server it would be C:\Program Files\TCAdmin2\ControlPanel.MVC\Views\<your_themes_folder>\Base\Login\Index.css

    You can get your themes folder by clicking your theme and checking the numbers in the url it can look something like b8be2b56-552a-4cde-8be9-563a64f9bec7

  6. Dark Green Theme

    TCAdmin Next Dark Green Theme.

    Github Repo: https://github.com/AdamG100/TCAdmin-Dark-Green

    (Recommended install)

    • Simply install it via the plugin repository in TCAdmin (Settings > Plugin Repository > Themes > Dark Green Theme)


    Manual Install:

    • Download the Theme from here
    • Go to Settings > Themes > Import
    • Import the entire zip that you downloaded
    • To update the theme repeat the above steps but select the Dark Green Theme in the update theme Drop down

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  7. [OFFICIAL] Minecraft Bedrock Vanilla



    • Install it via the plugin repository in TCAdmin (Settings > Plugin Repository > Game Configs > Minecraft Bedrock Vanilla)
    • Choose the config for your preferred OS

    Manual Install

    1. Download the config
    2. Go to TCAdmin > System > Settings > Game & Voice Hosting > Game & Other Voice Servers > Import
    3. Save the config as a new config or choose "Overwrite existing config" if you which to overwrite your current Minecraft config. Remember to select Minecraft in the 'Update Game' field if you do
    4. Leave all other settings


    • Will deploy the latest version from my CDN, if you would like to change the install URL'S read below
    • Web console with commands working
    • Query working thanks to @Dennisfor the script
    • Fully functional config editor
    • current activity and stats should work
    • Background changing thanks @Dennisfor letting me use it.

    Optional Script:

    This optional script assists in grabbing the latest versions of Bedrock as they come out. out-of-the-box the mcjarfiles API will always get the latest version of bedrock, so this script is entirely optional.
    You can see how to install the script below:


    1. Add the above script as follows to your Global Game Scripts in settings > Global Game Scripts
    2. set the script to as follows:
      Operating system: Any
      Script Engine: IronPython
      Event: Global Recurring Task
      Description: Minecraft bedrock update version pulls
      tick ignore execution errors

    3. In the script change the gameID = to your bedrock's game ID
    4. Now go to settings > Recurring tasks and create a new task
      name: Minecraft bedrock pull versions
      tick enabled
      Type: Daily
      start: you choose
      recur every: 1 Days
      tick Repeat task
      Repeat for: 1 Hours
      for: 24 Hours

      Actions tab:
      Action: executre a script
      Script: Minecraft bedrock update version pulls
      Server: Your Master Server
      This will now pull all the bedrock versions into updates automatically by scrapping https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Bedrock_Dedicated_Server

      A real massive thank you to @Dennisfor coding such a useful script.


  8. Dark Orange Theme

    TCAdmin Next theme Dark orange inspired.

    Github Repo: https://github.com/AdamG100/TCAdmin-dark-orange

    (recommended Install)

    • Simply install it via the plugin repository in TCAdmin (Settings > Plugin Repository > Themes > Dark Orange Theme)


    Manual Install:

    • Download the Theme from here
    • Go to Settings > Themes > Import
    • Import the entire zip that you downloaded
    • To update the theme repeat the above steps but select the Dark Orange Theme in the update theme Drop down


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  9. Astroneer Vanilla

    About This File
    Basic Vanilla Astroneer Windows Config

    Astroneer config with Astro Launcher click here


    Download the config
    Go to TCAdmin > System > Settings > Game & Voice Hosting > Game & Other Voice Servers > Import
    Save the config as a new config or choose "Overwrite existing config" if you choose to overwrite your current Astroneer config. Remember to select Astroneer in the 'Update Game' field if you do.
    Leave all other settings

    Direct X
    Visual C++ 2013-2019

    Configuration Editor for AstroServerSettings.ini

    Known Issues...

    None as of 19/3/2020

    To Do


  10. 1 minute ago, Smolf said:


    Is it possible to enable game switcher when custemer make a order of service, so the custumer always got that option, and where?

    Yes you can. If you are using whmcs in /var/www/your_folder_where_whmcs_is/modules/servers/tcadmin2_advanced

    create a file name like game_switch.php in there add


      $billing_api_values["game_id_switch_1"]= gameConfigId;

    Then you need to go into your product in whmcs and in the config file text box add  game_switch.php

    This is the most basic way of doing it

  11. Discord Inspired Theme V2

    TCAdmin Next theme Discord inspired V2. This will be the new theme for TCAdmins discord inspired theme as its has been updated to include Discord new branding Colours.

    Github Repo: https://github.com/AdamG100/TCAdmin-Discord-Inspired-V2


    (recommended Install)

    • Simply install it via the plugin repository in TCAdmin (Settings > Plugin Repository > Themes > Discord Inspired V2)

    Manual Install:

    • Download the Theme from here
    • Go to Settings > Themes > Import
    • Import the entire zip that you downloaded
    • To update the theme repeat the above steps but select the Discord V2 theme in the update theme Drop down

    • Submitter
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  12. 18 minutes ago, Acronite said:

    Dear Members,

    I am a official Tester for SCUM and work closely with the Developers and they will release the server files for private use when they reach 1.0 (Release State). Although they are currently allowing hosting company's to host SCUM servers too! In the beginning it was only G-portal but now it is G-portal, Nitrado, SurvivalSevers, PingPerfect (they use TCadmin 2) this because they do not have the tools and utilities for private users to host a server properly nor is the build stable enough yet. But I can assure you that they will release them fo private use in the future and currently they are expanding their contacts with professsional hosters.

    Kind regards,

    - Acronite.

    P.S: Jimmy-CS can you please send me your contact details such as your Discord etc I hope to hear from you ASAP!

    So as alot of Hosting companies (me being one of them) how can we obtain files, What is the procedure and documents required? 

  13. 1 hour ago, CarlosDorelli said:

    Thanks for the reply. I did it but still getting error 404 on nginx.

    #Remover erro 404 no link do FastDL
    location /home/tcadmin/tcafiles/fastdownloads/ {
    	autoindex on;


    Are you editing the default.conf or did you make a new one? make sure it is pointing to the correct document root. nginx default is /var/www/html

  14. 4 hours ago, Ragonz said:

    you can force to log already, just add -logfile $[Service.RootDirectory]valheim_server_Data\output_log.txt


    Has anyone encountered servers just wiping progress on stop/restart? I know there is a bug in the game currently but are there any other causes? just want to do due dilligence.

    We had this issue initially when it was still saving to app data, We made it that it names the world save `dedicated-serviceid` which fixed it but was not ideal at all.

    but since they have added -savedir flag its been 100%

  15. 46 minutes ago, Smolf said:

    We got problems, server disconnect after 10 min gameplay, can anyone help?

    Disable Slot monitoring (There is a bug that it displays 64 slots rather than 10 slots) so the slot monitoring sees it as slot tampering

  16. 49 minutes ago, mspsmuge said:


    I have an issue and im wondering if anyone has a way to fix it. Sometimes when generating a 8000 size map it'll max out all cores of a 16 core CPU while generating

    Its not an issue it just takes bloody long and kills the server at the same time. We do not allow any 7 days servers to generate maps on our nodes due it spiking the CPU

    So rather what we do is tell clients/users to generate the map on their PC with the GPU or CPU and then upload it via FTP.

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