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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Cool! What if a clients wants another database? Is it possible to set limits? Sometimes people need more than 1 Sent from my SNE-LX1 using Tapatalk
  2. Changes to the dark theme for the header i think this looks better https://gyazo.com/e4fcbfb500a65bc6209b5ef911170156
  3. is it possible to take alook at https://help.tcadmin.com/ updating it to a better UI where we can find things easier i can never find anything for some reason. Admin can move this if its in the wrong section
  4. I Think it would be cool to get an official TCA marketplace where people can upload free or paid configs, scrips, themes etc etc
  5. ^^ This. i did not even know it existed. This will save me so much time WOW. So it just allows 1 database to be created? Thank you!
  6. Just following up when will this be updated to move the zips out of root if its not updating ill just do a batch script. Thanks
  7. Thanks much app Sent from my SNE-LX1 using Tapatalk
  8. In Today's day and age a company should have all that. Facebook, Twitter, Maybe instagram its abit meh. Discord is indeed a forum killer i 100% agree with that but everyone uses Discord but a good Example is something like Plex they have forums which are very active and a community Discord. If setup properly both forums and Discord will work.
  9. Yes i have set it up all like that it makes the 0kb zip in the root and uploads to ftp. Problem is if you reinstall the server that 0 kb zip file deletes so if you go back into the restore script icon after a reinstall the combo box is empty. Sent from my SNE-LX1 using Tapatalk
  10. This is quite cool. Is there no way for restores to pull from FTP regardless of that local cache If i backup and then re-install a server the local zip cache gets deleted and as a result i cant pull that backup that still exists in FTP the comobox is empty The only thing i can think of is to point this to a different location outside the ThisService.RootDirectory # Specify where backups are saved. # Default location is a folder named Backups in the game server's root. BACKUP_LOCATION = Path.Combine(ThisService.RootDirectory, "Backups")
  11. 100% agree! verified should be easy to get.
  12. We can all put input in setting it up. I have setup multiple discords been using it since 2017 its not hard and the server will build out over time aswell. The forums are not extremely busy anyways and if you still redirect people to the forums for somethings then i rate it should be good.
  13. Nice! pretty much the same as discourse.
  14. i still think some things should stay on the forums though like game configs. we can create a webhook and when someone posts a game config it can post to discord. I am not sure how to do it with this forum software but it was easy with discourse.
  15. Please... I asked Luis about this the other day he said he doesnt have time to run discord. I can help set it up if someone else can help me. IMO discord is the new modern forums everything happens on it and its super convenient Sent from my SNE-LX1 using Tapatalk
  16. You need to code it with CSS & you can edit the HTML if needed Make a copy of TCAdmin2\ControlPanel.MVC\Views\Default\Base\Login to your custom theme's folder keeping the same directory structure: TCAdmin2\ControlPanel.MVC\Views\XXXXXXXXXXXX\Default\Base\Login
  17. Please can we get Discord, Google & Facebook sign in integration. Also can we get these forums to work on tapatalk?
  18. It feels so good for TCAdmin to step into 2020 with the new forum design and the default whmcs theme :P all that is left is the main website... Speaking of design i redid our login page too
  19. Adam

    MVC Dark Theme

    Whats happening with the new UI? Last update was in March.
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