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Everything posted by Jimmy-CS

  1. Works for me. Sometimes restarting the monitor fixes temporary connection issues.
  2. Jimmy-CS

    MVC Theme

    Beautiful job so far! Everything meshes very well.
  3. Simple search function turned this up which is the one I use (slightly modified for Linux of course.. just change the executable.) https://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=12846&highlight=squad
  4. https://clients.tcadmin.com
  5. That's actually a lot more efficient than installing the mount files onto each game server redundantly. Wish I would have thought of that! Time to go redo some code...
  6. Assuming you have SteamCMD installed correctly and the correct Game ID (376030) set under the game settings, just use the Steam Update function as pictured below: If you're asking in regards to getting Genesis added to your server, the Steam Update will take care of this. You will then need to modify your command line.
  7. What task were you trying to do when you received that error? And to touch on your last bit- you're not paying for someone to create a fully-functional environment for you. You're paying for the software, which is actually quite powerful- you just need to know how you use it. What Dennis said is that you need to specify the executable files for each game. This software isn't 100% plug and play because it's not meant for end-users really. It just requires a little legwork on your part.
  8. Thanks for the reply, Luis. I've done that process a few times already and I've actually come across that exact thread while researching this topic When I'm testing the process, I'm only picking one mod to test with, which has been updated recently on the workshop. So far after testing multiple mods, the same signal 11 error prevails. No mods- clean startup no problem. _______ Tonight while continuing to debug this, I came across two mods (Easy Cooker 1.0 and Admin Signs) which work fine with the TCA Workshop downloader, even when installed together. So, the TCA workshop download appears to be functioning fine and multiple mods can successfully be loaded onto a server by using it. I was beginning to think that it was corrupting files upon install which may have been causing the error but that was merely speculation. I just don't understand why some of the more popular mods that have been updated recently such as Structures+ don't work.. they're not even substantially large in size. My seven hours of research on the subject haven't turned up any other cause thus far so I'm going to stop here pending any new information that surfaces. Let me know if anyone else has any more luck!
  9. They need to run on the same machine and shared directories need to be specified in the command line.
  10. Thanks for the reply Dennis. I have 376030 set for the server type. I'm not sure why it's showing the store ID. The only place that is entered is under Store Id (for Steam API). I can't seem to find any answers on reddit, SurviveTheArk, or anywhere else online for the error I'm receiving. The script for the Workshop was setup in accordance with the TCA Wiki, along with Luis' blessing, and we're trying it on regularly maintained mods, so I'm not sure where the problem is stemming from. Ideally, I'd like to use the TCA workshop browser due to the simplicity. And so far I'm not turning up anything for the Signal 11 error I'm receiving.
  11. This seems really easy but it doesn't appear to be working with my ARK servers. I have SteamCmd installed in the server's directory as well. I have that configured correctly, and it does move the directory, create the .mod file, and add the mod ID to the GameUserSettings.ini file, however, I receive the following error when attempting to run the server after about a minute. I've attempted this with multiple mods such as Structures+ that are highly popular and regularly maintained. Using binned. 4.5.1-0+UE4 7038 3077 404 10 [s_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; SteamAPI_IsSteamRunning() failed. Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 346110 LowLevelFatalError [File:H:\Trunk\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Private\UObject\LinkerLoad.cpp] [Line: 3920] Bad name index -1126911658/109 Signal 11 caught. EngineCrashHandler: Signal=11 Segmentation fault (core dumped) Any help would be appreciated!
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