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Everything posted by Jaggl

  1. oh yeah i forgot Visual C+++ u also need this
  2. dang. normally steam sells all that stuff lol
  3. sry to ask again, but is there now a way to buy the game online and download it then?
  4. can someone give me a good link where i can buy the game online and download it? iam to stupid to find a shop which provide this for that game. Is Steam not selling this Game?
  5. hm we dont have such problems, PB update work fine... dont know what ur doing wrong than. With PBSetup.exe u should be able to get the latest files.... Maybe try the following: Delete all files in the PB Folder and than run the PBSetup.exe agin. Download it here: http://websec.evenbalance.com/downloader/download.php?file=1
  6. did u have AA3 installed on ur PC? If so, just take that file up to ur server....
  7. do a update with pbsetup.exe
  8. http://www.aahonor.com/ this is just for AA2 not AA3. AA3 = http://login.aa3.americasarmy.com/
  9. search the forums, there are some working Tcadmin configs here
  10. omg normaly ur GSP should ask for that.... i think u have chosen the wrong GSP Dude! http://clients.tcadmin.com/knowledgebase.php?action=displayarticle&catid=17&id=49
  11. you should read all here, i postet a working config..... if ur not able to start a honor server, just mail me and i will help u, but not for free info [AT] hosters.at
  12. they dont have to be all open TCP and UDP but i open it
  13. is it a honor server? btw, edit ur install script with the following netsh firewall add portopening ALL 8777 ALL-8777 netsh firewall add portopening ALL 39300 ALL-39300 netsh firewall add portopening ALL 8777 ALL-8777 netsh firewall add portopening ALL 9000 ALL-9000 netsh firewall add portopening ALL 39400 ALL-39400 netsh firewall add portopening ALL 9001 ALL-9001 netsh firewall add portopening ALL 8338 ALL-8338 netsh firewall add portopening ALL 3030 ALL-3030 netsh firewall add portopening ALL 5050 ALL-5050 netsh firewall add portopening ALL 5051 ALL-5051 netsh firewall add portopening ALL 3040 ALL-3040 netsh firewall add portopening ALL 39301 ALL-39301 netsh firewall add portopening ALL 39302 ALL-39302 netsh firewall add portopening ALL 39303 ALL-39303 netsh firewall add portopening ALL 39304 ALL-39304 netsh firewall add portopening ALL 39305 ALL-39305 netsh firewall add portopening ALL 39306 ALL-39306 netsh firewall add portopening ALL 39307 ALL-39307 netsh firewall add portopening ALL 39308 ALL-39308 netsh firewall add portopening ALL 39309 ALL-39309 netsh firewall add portopening ALL 39310 ALL-39310 netsh firewall add portopening ALL 39311 ALL-39311 netsh firewall add portopening ALL 39312 ALL-39312 netsh firewall add portopening ALL 39313 ALL-39313 netsh firewall add portopening ALL 39314 ALL-39314 netsh firewall add portopening ALL 39315 ALL-39315 netsh firewall add portopening ALL 39316 ALL-39316 netsh firewall add portopening ALL 39317 ALL-39317 netsh firewall add portopening ALL 39318 ALL-39318 netsh firewall add portopening ALL 39319 ALL-39319 netsh firewall add portopening ALL 39320 ALL-39320 this ports have to be open!
  14. start it as Global and not Lan.... Normally ur can use my Config File.......
  15. here is an updated version! America's Army - 3.0.txt
  16. i have a wrong entry in my COnfig File! MultihomeIP= to Multihome= @Azure890 Tha is also the Problem why ur Server wont start!
  17. -Server -config=Server.cfg -cfg=Basic.cfg -port=%serverport% -ip=%serverip% -profiles=%userfilespath% -download -logFile=Server.log
  18. but there are still Backup Logs.....
  19. just this or? i have there: Suppress=DevNet Suppress=DevUIStyles should i delet them?
  20. someone know how to stop server making backups of the game server logs? and how can i setup the logs to a minimum cause i have had a log file with 1,5 GB! LOL
  21. I ordered my german version here some days ago: gamesplanet.com 8 hours after my payment, i was able to load the files and setup a server :=)
  22. u need DirectX files installed + when u have an AMD Cpu, you need the CPU Drivers!
  23. here we go......with all maps in the command line builder! Note: Have a look into the Install/Uninstall Scripts they can make problems witch ur installation, because of the automated Webserver creation script! America's Army - 3.0.txt
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