i also had this problem... i just installed manually but the problem still exists. the task is executed the wrong time +1 hour (i have set 12 AM but the Task executes at 1 PM) and also the task dont start daily when i change the task and save it, it will just be executed the next day but nothing more
this is my startup line
Server BDX_Breach_EX /Global /MaxPlayers=$[service.Slots] /AuthServerIP=$[service.IpAddress] /AuthServerGamePort=$[service.GamePort] /AuthServerUserName=XXX /AuthServerPassword=XXX /SteamServerIP=$[service.IpAddress] /Multihome=$[service.IpAddress] /Port=$[service.GamePort] /QueryPort=$[service.QueryPort] /Log=Gameserver.log /NoHomeDir /Unattended /NoPause /ConfigSubDir=AAHostAServerConfig0