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Everything posted by Jaggl

  1. will TCAdmin Support the Querry for FFOW?
  2. Here is my Config. I hope Tcadmin will be able to Querry FFOW Bug Fixed......Thx Swish! Frontlines Fuel of War.txt
  3. Someone know what i have to set in Game Compatibility?
  4. I tried my myself but i cant get it to work, the clients cant connect and i realy dont know why...... So if someone have it, and give it to me, i would be very happy
  5. i have the latest version installed
  6. iam always getting this error: Critical: appError called: Critical: Direct3D->GetDeviceCaps(AdapterIndex,DeviceType,&DeviceCaps) failed at .\Src\D3D9Device.cpp:408 with error D3DERR_NOTAVAILABLE Critical: Windows GetLastError: Der Vorgang wurde erfolgreich beendet. (0) Log: === Critical error: === Direct3D->GetDeviceCaps(AdapterIndex,DeviceType,&DeviceCaps) failed at .\Src\D3D9Device.cpp:408 with error D3DERR_NOTAVAILABLE RaiseException() Address = 0x7c812a5b (filename not found) CxxThrowException() Address = 0x78158e89 (filename not found) Address = 0xb27ca2 (filename not found) Address = 0xe8781b4c (filename not found) Exit: Executing UObject::StaticShutdownAfterError Exit: Executing UWindowsClient::ShutdownAfterError Exit: Executing UWindowsClient::ShutdownAfterError Exit: UALAudioDevice::ShutdownAfterError Log: Shutting down FaceFX... Log: FaceFX shutdown. Exit: Exiting. Exit: Name subsystem shutting down Uninitialized: Log file closed, 02/15/08 22:56:58 Seams that my Grafic Card wont work with DirectX, but why the hell nedd i a DX Card for a Gameserver?
  7. can you post a config plz?!
  8. here is what i use! Configfile is the Armyops.ini AAO.txt
  9. me again! if someone have it, PLZ post it! thx Jaggl
  10. i need it too! can someone post it plz! thx Jaggl!
  11. i would need it too! if someone have it plz post it thx Jaggl
  12. is someone have the config 4 COD:UO plz post ist here! Really big THX!
  13. 4 those who cant speak german (there are only a few things to change not much!) Ja= Yes Nein= No Aus= Off An= On thats all u have to change!
  14. Hello, here is my Config file 4 the new Beta Version of Tcadmin! Include: *pbsv *Armyops.ini -Servername -Adminname -Hudsettings -Gameplaysettings -and much more^^ AAO.txt
  15. u dont need the port there? only the IP`?
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