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KnightHawk201 last won the day on November 15 2021

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  1. I am assuming the random character loss issues are still occurring for most people? Just making sure we're not the only ones.
  2. CounterStrikeSource. It's the same as ARK. You can use either a tool like ARRCon or the web console if you set it to use RCon protocol
  3. EpicApp=Palserver is what we have used as well and we have had servers show up on the community list. With that said, most new servers are no longer being displayed likely due to the sheer number of servers that have been created in the last 24 hours.
  4. Go to settings and then Game Tools. Choose the Steam game downloader and install it from there. Once done, try the install again.
  5. 1) You can modify/manage the modlist via the modlist.txt that's found in ConanSandbox/Mods. 2) Searching for it via Steam ID (1417350098) allowed me to find it without issue
  6. It would update the name with the hostname that is queried from Steam. You can also use a script such as this to manually force a name change in the panel. import clr; import System; clr.AddReference("TCAdmin.SDK"); from TCAdmin.SDK.Misc import Random; from System import String; ThisService.NameNoHtml = str(ThisService.Variables["updatedPanelName"]) ThisService.Save(); ThisService.Configure(); It is an IronPython script. You will want to have the Prompt for variable values checked and create a variable named updatedPanelName (or create another variable and update the script. You can set the script to the Custom icon event to have an icon on the main page for the game.
  7. If you have "Get service name from hostname" enabled it would pull the name from the the variable hostname. You would need to make sure that query monitoring is active for that game as well.
  8. Figured I'd drop this here for you now as to help you further your current setup. The app ID that can be used can be 1794810 under the "Steam Settings" section. That ID will download only the server files. Hope this helps! Great work!
  9. As per another user on Discord, if we could have a way to move all services at once or a way to choose multiple at once. This would make migrations/decommisions so much easier.
  10. Hey Dennis! Was wondering why this may be occurring. When a client attempts to remove multiple settings via the wipe script in the oxide folder, it presents the error "The value entered is not valid" If one entry is done, it works as it should. Here is what is being entered: oxide/data/Kits/player_data.json oxide/data/ServerRewards/player_data.json
  11. All of the needed documentation can be found here: https://help.tcadmin.com/Initial_Configuration#Download_Steam_Games
  12. Any chance Thunderstore api for Valheim could be implemented? https://valheim.thunderstore.io/api/docs/
  13. -savedir has been added by the devs.
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