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Everything posted by Superman

  1. Superman

    Cloud Backups

    When trying to backup a file to local storage, the following error pops up: Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Aspx\Interface\Base\Proxy.ashx\Request-b2fda5d7-b8d1-4d2d-aeaa-d5cbe7808a4d' I have set the backup path to C:\TCAdmin_Backups on settings. I did log this on https://github.com/Alexr03/TCAdminBackup/issues
  2. Hi Gotteshand, I imported the config but when I want to create the game service it does not show up as part of the games I can select from. Am I missing something? Thanks
  3. Hi, I also had this issue. Updated TCAdmin to and started working. Why if this update fixes kind of a major issue, is it not available on the "Check for Updates" page ? Thanks for the solution. Appreciate it a lot.
  4. So I checked LastCommand.log file. I have attached a text file with its contents. That is where it basically hangs. The api log file has the same info. This is the error on TCAdmin admin page: Task Information Id: 16 Name: Create user 'test', Rust 10 slots owned by test Run Time: 2/7/2021 3:00:07 PM (UTC/GMT) Step: Determine game server location (1 of 3) Error: No Windows servers were found in datacenter 'Default' with the files for Rust Link: http://***.***.***.***:8880/Interface/Task/TaskManager?taskid=16 Log Details No Windows servers were found in datacenter 'Default' with the files for Rust tcadmin_LastCommand.txt
  5. You lucky to be able to create just the user. I have been struggling for three days just to get whmcs to create the task, stuck at creating user correct game is in settings ?? is this in the setup of whmcs or within TCadmin ?
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