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Everything posted by markmorris1

  1. I did this with a custom script. Click a button installs uMod, its just a bat script that runs the uMod update command. umod update valheim -P --force
  2. No longer needed, there is now a command line option in the latest update. -savedir "PATH"
  3. Okay, so figured it out. PORT is HARD CODED on command line.
  4. So actually TCAdmin behaives very strange, Load first server no problems (regardless of which server i start first) however the 2nd server i load, will show the hostname of the 1st server in my panel, just note PORTS are different.
  5. Yeah starting two servers for me is on a crash loop not found why yet. But whatever server i startup 2nd it crashes.
  6. Yeah its not the best and i dont personally like it. Having a command line option would be loads better, but i doubt they will add it now if its not already there. Seems like a common sense thing to do. Even when i wrote my own small game, the server had the ability to change data path. I'm still hopeful though.
  7. No you can add a environment var to Windows too. A quick google, this has been confirmed to work. I will try around 6PM tonight, im at work right now. If you get it working, please share.
  8. You said you spoken to dev, but just being on discord to ask the question and you can change the path. Using environment var XDG_CONFIG_HOME.
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