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JohnnyO last won the day on April 18 2021

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  1. Dennis, There are two scripts for after workshop install : https://images.gyazo.com/468995f25ccd6eecdbaa2c85fbbadea4 One: https://pastebin.com/vPq8RJGB - 278 Lines Two: https://pastebin.com/pBhVsLVd - 264 lines Which script should I remove?
  2. JohnnyO

    GSLT Popup

    Alex, Very cool feature but what if I need to replace the key. How do I access this window?
  3. A few aliases to shorten some commands when working with TCAdmin. Creating system aliases for the most used routines saves time. Edit your /root/.bash_aliases file and place the following in that file. root@server ~ # nano /root/.bash_aliases #-- Bash Alias File - March 10, 2018 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # #-- One Liner Aliases alias tailser='cd /home/tcadmin/Logs/ServiceManager/; tail -f console.log' alias tailmon='cd /home/tcadmin/Logs/Monitor/; tail -f console.log' alias nanotcamon='cd /home/tcadmin/Monitor/; nano TCAdminMonitor.exe.config' # # #-- Function Aliases function tcadebugon() { clear; cd /home/tcadmin/Monitor; ./monitor-service stop; sleep 1; sed -i 's/<add key=\"TCAdmin.Debug\" value=\"False\" \/>/<add key=\"TCAdmin.Debug\" value=\"True\" \/>/g' TCAdminMonitor.exe.config; /bin/chmod 0700 /home/tcadmin; /bin/chown -R tcadmin: /home/tcadmin; sleep 1; ./monitor-service start; } function tcadebugoff() { clear; cd /home/tcadmin/Monitor; ./monitor-service stop; sleep 1; killall mono; sed -i 's/<add key=\"TCAdmin.Debug\" value=\"True\" \/>/<add key=\"TCAdmin.Debug\" value=\"False\" \/>/g' TCAdminMonitor.exe.config; /bin/chmod 0700 /home/tcadmin; /bin/chown -R tcadmin: /home/tcadmin; sleep 1; ./monitor-service start; } then do ... root@server ~ # chmod 0644 /root/.bash_aliases root@server ~ # source ~/.bashrc Now call for one of the aliases in shell by typing its name and hitting the enter key: root@server ~ # tailser root@server ~ # tailmon root@server ~ # nanotcamon root@server ~ # tcadebugon root@server ~ # tcadebugoff If you have a great alias that can help others, post them below and we'll add them to this post!
  4. Is there Any way to lock down the max players yet?
  5. No I havent.

  6. Krazos,


    Have you tried to run Rust with wine?

  7. So is this version going to be a Mexican Spanish Version ?
  8. Server Files have been released. Check your emails for them. Only one server per box atm, not sure if it is even worth trying atm until they release the hotfix later today.
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