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Everything posted by kroko

  1. its very strange i have forwarded java in the firewall and also made the .bat but my server still get pid0 :S
  2. looks like this forum dont support pm. do you want me to email you? Edit: why cant you just write it here so other can see it and get helped?
  3. if i may ask, how did you add minecraft as a rule on the firewall? i am having the same issue
  4. as far as i have understood it is a commandline "+sv_setsteamaccount"
  5. yes and that is not in the command line manager... i know i can add it my self. but i rather buy a config that have it all
  6. it dosent startup on a fresh install
  7. so do anyone have a working cs:go config i can get or buy? it seems like the one in tcadmin dont work out of the box and need som tweaking.. you can send me a email if you want henrikkroko@gmail.com
  8. i changed to windows because all i have heard about wine is that it is bad
  9. hej the one allready provided in tcadmin by default is extremly confusing for me to set up a casual server with. i am not able to choose my own map. i have created alot of css and cs:go servers and it have never been a problem before. so my question is, do anyone have a awesome config they will share? i am not a hosting company. i host very few servers for my comunity if that helps in shareing your config
  10. kroko


    I had the same problem. i played abit around and fixed it. i have attached my config you want to use it or see it and if your own config Rust - Windows Edited.xml
  11. Do anyone know if it is possible to get a working linux config for rust? i know that it need to run under something called wine. so my question is. is it even possible atm?
  12. Hey i just bought a linux dedicated server and am very confused about it xD Therefore i am hireing someone to install tcadmin on it for me. i am running ubuntu. for price please contact me here, on my main or add me on steam i will not be using it for a hosting company but private Email: Henrikkroko@gmail.com Steam: krokodk Thanks in advance Kroko Edit: Found my person
  13. kroko

    batch help

    nvm, got this to work Thanks alot for your help
  14. kroko

    batch help

    i get this Could Not Find C:\q C:\TCAFiles\Users\kroko\12>cd C:\TCAFiles\Users\kroko\12\ Could Not Find C:\TCAFiles\Users\kroko\12\maplist.txt The system cannot find the path specified. C:\TCAFiles\Users\kroko\12>del \q maplist.txt C:\TCAFiles\Users\kroko\12>cd maps C:\TCAFiles\Users\kroko\12>For %a in (*.bsp) do @echo %~na 1>>"C:\TCAFiles\Users\kroko\12\maplist.txt" The script has executed successfully. You may close this window. maplist.txt is located in cstrike folder and not root i modifyed your script to this that is creating the maplist.txt. but it is doing so in root. do you know how to get it to make it in the cstrike folder?
  15. kroko

    batch help

    so i can just create a custom icon and use that as script? EDIT: I tryed using this but that just deleted maplist.txt and diddent create it again. anyone know why?
  16. hallo, i am trying to create a custom icon script. everytime a person click on it, it will delete maplist.txt and generate a new one with all the maps that is in the maps folder. what i have so far is: @echo off del maplist.txt cd maps For %%a in (*.bsp) do @echo %%~na >>"%~dp0maplist.txt" echo List Generated! pause if i have that then i need a bat file on each game server (in cstrike folder) for it to work. do anyone of you know a seloution that would work out of the box without having any script on the game server? i do not know much about batch scripting so if you say something advanced, then i would not understand! i got the current script from here http://forums.srcds.com/viewtopic/15871 Thanks in advance kroko
  17. have you allowed srcds.bat to be used in firewall?
  18. i have had alot of problems with updating too and i know very well how the config works... i managed to get help from a helpfull member here. if you want my help then please add me om steam or skype steam: krokodk skype: henrikkroko Kroko
  19. damn you are a few hours late with that post i manuel updated the firewall on all my clients servers that took some time xD
  20. sorry, allready got help. my config was correct, the problem was that my firewall diddent auto update so i had to allow each new srcds.exd
  21. its all fixed now, the problem was that windows firewall diddent update. so i have to do that manuel with all my clients
  22. hallo i am so desperate! i am whilling to pay for you to get css working again. name how much you want and i will pay it if my budget can handle it.. i have tried for days now and notthing works you can contact me here, steam or skype Skype: henrikkroko Steam: krokodk Hope to hear from you!
  23. no problem. i used custom icons to create a script that would generate my maplist.txt for css
  24. i did all that, but when a customer click reinstall or updates hes server then it simply wont start. i have contacted the the support here via the ticket system but they cant really fix the problem either. the strange thing is, it work when i create a fresh new game server, but reinstall and update dont fox it :S i can see that it logs in like it should using anonymouly login (or i think its correct)
  25. this is all soo confusing for me, i havent yet figured out how to do it
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