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Everything posted by kroko

  1. TcAdmin 2.0 is fantastic, you can easyly create custom scripts with custom icons. Take a look at the function under your game config called scripts. you can read more about it here http://help.tcadmin.com/Custom_Scripts
  2. kroko

    CSS update

    thats what i did, i wrote in the op i got the latest game data, i deleted all content of TCAFiles\Games\css and then downloaded it using the game tool.
  3. hey so i got steamcmd to work on both my master and remote server and i have updated the game data, but i have a problem. a fresh install works perfect, but when i reinstall a server it wont start. there is no error, it just wont start. so my question is, can someone code a script that will delete everything and then install the game data form the server or maybe take it directly from steamcmd? maybe using a icon? it is really importent i can get all my clients servers to work again. I am whilling to pay for the script Thanks in advance kroko EDIT: this is my console log it tells me that it could not establish connection, but dont tell why :S and here is my commandline
  4. yeah that fixed it thanks
  5. hey i have a huge problem, today it seems that steam/valve made a update to css, that broke my normal updater tool. therefore i am trying to get steam pibe to work, but so far i am not doing anything else then failing big time. i downloaded the config from here http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=11007 and overwrited the normal css config. i then wrote this to find any bugs http://help.tcadmin.com/SteamCmd#Fatal_Error:_Steam_needs_to_be_online_to_update._Please_confirm_your_network_connection_and_try_again. ServiceId 1 - Stopping ServiceId 1 - has been stopped. Initializing Steam... Redirecting stderr to 'C:\Program Files\TCAdmin2\Monitor\Tools\SteamCmd\logs\stderr.txt' ILocalize::AddFile() failed to load file "public/steambootstrapper_english.txt". [ 0%] Checking for available update... SteamUpdater: Error: Download failed: http error 0 [ 0%] Download Complete. [----] Verifying installation... [ 0%] Downloading Update... [ 0%] Checking for available update... SteamUpdater: Error: Download failed: http error 0 [ 0%] Download Complete. SteamUpdater: Error: Steam needs to be online to update. Please confirm your network connection and try again. [ 0%] !!! Fatal Error: Steam needs to be online to update. Please confirm your network connection and try again. ServiceId 1 - Starting ServiceId 1 - has been started. The process has completed. i tried to update steamcmd and run it as admin, but notthing happens. anyone know what could be wrong? EDIT: now it says "Error - Failed to install app '232330' (No subscription)" anyone know why?
  6. so what do i do with that file to get it working? my customers are hungering after being able to update there server again. EDIT: how do i set it to overwrite the default css config?
  7. Login to your control panel with a admin account. Then choose "settings" form the left menu. and then choose "Games & Other Voice Servers" You should then be able to see a buttion called import. From there is preatty easy, just fallow the instructions on the screen
  8. i would gladly help you. but its preatty easy to do it your self. all you have to do it delete your current config and upload the one from this link http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=8011. i also had problems but the config from this link just worked out of the box
  9. wow thanks alot for the link!
  10. 1, i dont really know 2, i have never heard about that 3, it really depens on what game you plan on hosting. for counter strike source i have about 30 plugins in my mod manager. i allow client to both use ftp and mod manager to install plugins. i have disabled dll files through ftp as it can be used to hack servers. so if you disable dll for ftp, then be sure you have all the most known extentions and plugins for your game server on you mod manager 4, when a customer want to update hes server then he simply press on the update icon, it will then take the latest version from steam. i do not crate a package, i want it to run automatic. Your name sounds nordic? what contry do you live in?
  11. because i am used to use ftp..
  12. Hallo I have a problem. i am not able to upload dll files to any of my customers servers. It is proberly because its not set in file system permissions. The problem is there is 3 user group and i am in none of them. There are sub admin files, reseller files and user files. there is none called super admin files. So do anyone of you know a way to add so the super admin can upload dll files? It is importent that normal users (customers) cant upload dll files Thanks in advance kroko
  13. aww what a shame! alot of tcadmin users are hungering after mysql
  14. hallo, i have done almost everything and i give up! Therefore i am looking for a person who can make me a cs:go config or take one from this forum and get it to work. Please do not ask me to look around on the forum. I allready did that! The config is for windows (windows server 2008r2) You can contact me on pm, steam or skype Skype: henrikkroko Steam: krokodk Thanks in advance Kroko
  15. imgs is down. can you update them?
  16. This is what console.log says. i cant really see any problem in that? The problem is somewhere in tcadmin, when i startup the server without tcadmin then vac works fine.....
  17. as the tittle says vac sometimes automaticly disables it self on some game servers (css) atm it is disabled on one of my customers server. no matter what i do the server will not start up with vac on. Do anyone of you encounter the same problem? it is starting to annoy me alot that vac automaticly disables/enables at will. Thanks in advance kroko
  18. yeah i found that out my self forgot to post here so others might benefit from my discoverys.
  19. would it be possible to create a export funtion so i could export all my mod settings in mod manager? i have a few hundred mods my customers can chose between and i would like to back it up. it took me very long time to add all those mods. this feature would also be very helpfull if you needed to swith server and then you could easy import them What do you guys thing? kroko
  20. kroko

    Danish REQ

    i might be able i could need it too. you can contact me on skype or steam Steam: krokodk skype: henrikkroko
  21. am not sure if this is the right section or i should post it in the "game config files" section. Many games uses mysql as database and its a very importent feature. so my question is, do anyone know if it is possible to sell mysql databases with tcadmin or whmcs? it is importent that it can be managed with a panel like myphpadmin. if it is not possible, would it be something you would consider to make? Kroko
  22. okay thanks ill create it tomorrow (in about 10 hours)
  23. In fear of sounding like a jerk. i allready did that!!!! and as i wrote above, not all files will will be white listed becourse there are not room for it...
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