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  1. He means show installed mods so you can see what you have installed as opposed to searching the entire list individually. You can not search by mod ID as well. Also noticing Scheduled tasks are not running for me, known issue?
  2. The Scheduled task for running an RCON does not seem to work either. - update incorrect, this was a corrupt db table
  3. I have a task running to check for steam updates, but it never detects and updates when needed - is anyone else encountering this? Thanks!
  4. Yep, the default command lines need to incorporate the server log attributes or the connect and log out events are not shown in shootergamelog. FYI, hope it helps.
  5. Not getting player counts, i see the query looking for login events but the shootergame.log is not reporting the events, as far as i see, for the query to find.
  6. Any update on a working config (with monitoring)?
  7. Any updates to an official release? These donated (thanks!) configs do not support mods or query info, right?
  8. Awaiting this as well! Thanks!
  9. Yep, setting up the custom scripts now. Like I said new to this, thought the backups were "built into" the game config at first. Now to find all the needed extensions for DayZ lol
  10. numpty, thank you for the reply, but where do I find these (new to tcadmin), thank you for the assistance! Unless this is the standard tcadmin backup script?
  11. How does the backup / restore work? Not sure where any options are for it, can anyone assist?
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