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  1. It looks to me that you're missing some of the commandline. This is one of mine as an example. I don't see your -serverMod= in yours. You are also missing the "" at the start and end of most of the parameters. -ip=blank -port=2562 "-config=serverdz.cfg" "-bepath=C:\TCAFiles\Users\admin\267\Battleye" "-profiles=C:\TCAFiles\Users\admin\267\instance" "-autoinit" " -serverMod=@DayZ-Dynamic-AI-Addon" "-mod=@DayZ-Expansion-Weapons;@DayZ-Expansion-AI;@DayZ-Expansion-Core;@VPPAdminTools;@Search For Loot Improved;@DayZ-Expansion-Animations;@MWGSM-MartialLaw-Island;@MMG - Mightys Military Gear;@LuxRedux;@Dabs Framework;@CF" -noFilePatching -adminLog
  2. Adam I installed this but was having issues with health regen and Pal damage. I went in the config template and found some setting had 0.1 instead of 1. The attached picture shows which variables I changed from 0.1 to 1. After changing them my autoregenhealth and pal damage started working again.
  3. Adam I installed this but was having issues with health regen and Pal damage. I went in the config template and found some setting had 0.1 instead of 1. The attached picture shows which variables I changed from 0.1 to 1. After changing them my autoregenhealth and pal damage started working again.
  4. When downloading the file it shows NOS, instead of night of the dead.
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