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  1. fixed using this procedure Copy the following files from Steam client installation folder to C:\TCAFiles\Games\cs2\game\bin\win64 tier0_s64.dll vstdlib_s64.dll steamclient64.dll
  2. are you using Dennis' config? or your own.

    Can you send it to me and I will check.

  3. hello I have a strange cs2 crash on startup caused by command line If I run this command line with a .bat file work correctly if I run in tcadmin it crash during startup cs2.exe -dedicated -usercon -console -dev +game_type 0 +game_mode 0 +sv_logfile 1 -serverlogging -ip -port 27015 -maxplayers 12 +map cs_italy I make some test with all parameters and I have discovered that all those command work correctly cs2.exe -dedicated -usercon -console -dev +game_type 0 +game_mode 0 +sv_logfile 1 -serverlogging -ip -port 27015 -maxplayers 12 but as soon I add +MAP the server crash on startup +map xxxxxxx Any help ? thanks a lot
  4. tangogc

    Billing Alerts

    why doesn't work with teamspeak expiration ?
  5. tangogc

    Billing Alerts

    thanks for this LFA. But seem to work only for game server and not detect teamspeak expiration , it is correct ?
  6. can anyone suggest me how configure not a free trial but a try and buy with whmcs and tcadmin please ? I would a customer order for example a teamspeak, the order is free but a bill with the correct value is generated. if the bill is not paied after 1, 2, 3, X days the service is suspended. thanks
  7. thanks Dennis excellent wher I can find and download the various forge-1.xx.x.zip ?
  8. I have the some problem any solution ?
  9. probabily you are miss understanding is not related to single game server the problem......please look this image but the gametracker lists of games update
  10. work correctly only the gametracker game list update fail
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