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Posts posted by tangogc

  1. hello I have a strange cs2 crash on startup caused by command line

    If I run this command line with a .bat file work correctly if I run in tcadmin it crash during startup

    cs2.exe -dedicated -usercon -console -dev +game_type 0 +game_mode 0 +sv_logfile 1 -serverlogging -ip -port 27015 -maxplayers 12 +map cs_italy

    I make some test with all parameters and I have discovered that all those command work correctly

    cs2.exe -dedicated -usercon -console -dev +game_type 0 +game_mode 0 +sv_logfile 1 -serverlogging -ip -port 27015 -maxplayers 12

    but as soon I add +MAP the server crash on startup

    +map xxxxxxx

    Any help ?

    thanks a lot


  2. On 9/6/2022 at 1:41 PM, tangogc said:

    thanks for this LFA.

    But seem to work only for game server and not detect teamspeak expiration , it is correct ?

    why doesn't work with teamspeak expiration ?

  3. On 6/21/2022 at 11:16 PM, LFA said:

    Billing Alerts

    This module gets the next due date and trial expiration date from WHMCS and shows alerts in TCAdmin.


    • Supports toast and control panel messages/emails.
    • Toast and email messages are configured in Settings > Mail Templates.


    • TCAdmin or greater
    • WHMCS API credentials that allows the GetClientsProducts action.


    • Go to Settings > Billing Alerts.
    • Enable the module.
    • Configure your WHMCS API URL, ID and secret. Allow your IP in the WHMCS general settings > security settings or configure an access key
    • If you offer trials configure the trial length in days.
    • Configure when you want TCAdmin to start showing toast and send messages/emails.
    • Update the toast click URLs. By default the trial URL takes you to the product and due date URL takes you to unpaid invoices.
    • Extract extract-to-whmcs-tcadmin2_advanced.zip located in TCAdmin2\ControlPanel.MVC\bin-extensions\billing-alerts-1.0.0 or /home/tcadmin/ControlPanel.MVC/bin-extensions/billing-alerts-1.0.0 to your tcadmin2_advanced folder in WHMCS. This will remove the toast notification after the user pays the invoice or upgrades from a trial.

    To test connectivity with WHMCS:

    • Select a game server.
    • Click on More...
    • Execute the [ Billing Alerts ] action.
    • The script's output will show the game server's next due date or trial expiration date. If there's an error you can enable API logging in WHMCS: https://help.whmcs.com/m/troubleshooting/l/1420554-troubleshooting-debugging-api
    • If this works the module's recurring task will execute every day at 6AM (master server time).
    • If you don't want to wait you can go to Settings > Scheduled Tasks. Look for the task "[BillingAlerts] Update all trial expirations/due dates" and start it.

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    thanks for this LFA.

    But seem to work only for game server and not detect teamspeak expiration , it is correct ?

  4. can anyone suggest me how configure not a free trial but a try and buy with whmcs and tcadmin please ?


    I would a customer order for example a teamspeak, the order is free but a bill with the correct value is generated.

    if the bill is not paied after 1, 2, 3, X days the service is suspended.



  5. 16 minutes ago, Dennis said:

    I'm going to expand the Minecraft config to bundle different versions of java with the game server and let the user decide what version to run.

    The user will need to switch java versions manually, but I might be able to do some magic and have TCAdmin decide that java version depending on the version of Minecraft the server is running.

    Great Idea Dennis

  6. in game ?

    it has nothing to do with the game.

    it must not be a link related to a game, but I need to add an icon on the customer's home page that for example points to the KB or to an external site


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