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Everything posted by tangogc

  1. Ghost Recon Advanced Warfare 2.txt
  2. here for you m8 Soldier of Fortune.txt
  3. Just a warning. If someone run Arma on quad core processor don't try to set-up trow the tcadmin service interfece to run Arma on a specific processor, it will fail to start. Simply let's windows assign.
  4. I remeber to post times ago if you don't find in old pos please request me I will post again
  5. here for you Halo_ Combat Evolved.txt
  6. Anyone want share Tactical Ops 3.5 file ? thanks
  7. Yes I have it ! Now I am out of office in Italy is going late. But tomorrow if you contact me I will give ftp access. Any others have the ET mod requested ? Kevin ?
  8. thanks Kalyse about Google but we have a good ranking I need that script for more important reason, but I am improving it to let's google go on ! About the mod we can trade if you want simply said me what do you need. But my request is just a simply sharing . If you have this ziped file in your Tca.mod folder or more and you want post will be nice. Not correlate with it if you need something is my plaesure share with you
  9. I have the Wolfestain ET config file from this forum with some coonfig mods included. Kevin or some users could share the zip file of the tca.mods folder ? Enemy Territory Fortress ETPro 3.1.12 TrueCombat:Elite 0.48 ETPro 3.2.0 and more if you have ....... thanks in advance
  10. I have created the working config for this game. If anyone need I will post. Now my question is Default server port ? Default query port ? Default Rcon port ? who is able to query this game ? and which query type I have to use ? thanks in advance
  11. here for you Battlefield 2CC.txt
  12. this config is working for the last version 1.3 but sure it will working with 1.1 too. thanks
  13. sorry for the late DOOM3.txt
  14. sure you can run ranked server with and without bf2cc this is the command line with bf2cc bf2ccd.exe -ranked -playerlimit XX -noquitprompts -lockdemorec(Optional) -locknetsettings(optional) -autostart
  15. sorry I suppose was normal this and he asked the right config to start a ranked server with bf2cc
  16. sure siply add the "ranked" option in the bf2cc starting command line
  17. question and answer lol Global smu_gh_rivervillage.aao Load Map SMU GH River Village Global smu_gh_sffloodgate.aao Load Map SMU GH SF Flood Gate Global smu_gh_sfoldtown.aao Load Map SMU GH SF Old Town Global smu_gh_sfrefinery.aao Load Map SMU GH SF Refinery SPace After = Yes User Access = Yes I hope will be usefull
  18. Any one have the config for 2.81 patch or better simply the map list to add in the command line changer ?
  19. GTR2 took 100% only on single processor hardware if you run it on dual Xeon or quad core it get 8% processor. The Autostart feature work with last patch not need manual operation
  20. Sorry gameConnector I don't understand. to install the 1.05 patch you need the game correctly installed. The config file work on 1.05. What do you need ?
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