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Other games to host


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Good Morning...


Hope all are well..


After 10 years of just re-selling in a niche market..I figure it is time to start

host a couple of either FPS tittles...or Indie style releases.


Any suggestions as to a 1/2 descent tittle to start off with? nothing crazy..

but something easy to support..and the end-users mostly know there game and can troubleshoot it well enough to get back gaming.


I have a couple of empty servers sitting free...so although I have avoided what you folks do as offering most out there...I guess it is time to play around.


What do most think of Mine-Craft?


I have a Enterprise license for I bought years ago when MineCraft was released...and a Enterprise license for Cast-Control..


Just sitting here waiting to be used..


Ideas are appreciated..



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I don't know if Minecraft would sell well due to the huge amount of hosters out there.

But if you're looking for some other games I could recommend you Ark:Survival Evolved, Space/Medieval Engineers or if you're looking to get into fps titles, Counter Strike, Call of Duty or even Killing Floor 2. But since I only do some private hosting for friends I can't tell you if those titles are lucrative.

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It also depends very much on your servers.

Most current UE games are not multi thread friendly and run much better on high clock cpu's. So if you have a high amount of cores and not a lot of high speed ones.

I'd try to dodge UE, meaning, Chivalry, Red Orchestra, Killing Floor, etc.

ARK, while also being an UE game, is more focused on big world. So that would be fine.

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