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Yes, I am just lost


The game needs port 7350 + 27015 open I will show you "the config" of the server...


I made some very small changesto ROK config I have found here long time ago, everything was working 10 days ago 100%, I just cant find the error in config.


# -- Server --

isPrivate = 'False' # Hides from the lobby if true.

serverName = 'SomeServerName'

greeting = '' # The message that is displayed to new players when they join.

maxPlayers = '10-40'

bindIP = 'ServerIPHere'

portNumber = '7350' # [Port-forward as UDP]

password = ''

restartTime = '0' # 0 seconds to disable.

enableCommands = 'True' # When set to false, all commands are disabled.

flyDetection = 'True' # If true, the server will check for players using fly hack.

timeBetweenPlayerJoin = '10' # The seconds the server waits before allowing a player since the last player joined. Default: 10

steamAuthPort = '27015' # The port the steam authenticator will use to communicate with steam.

steamAuthTimeout = '60' # The amount of seconds before the steam authentication fails when a player connects.

targetFrameRate = '60' # Default: 60


# -- Ping Limit --

enablePingLimit = 'True' # Kick players who exceed the ping limit while this is enabled.

pingPort = '7350' # [Port-forward as TCP] The port dedicated to managing player pings. This number can be shared with the gameplay port.

pingLimit = '200' # [Minimum = 50, Maximum = 10000] An average ping limit in milliseconds. eg. 200 = 0.2 seconds

pingGraphLength = '120' # [Minimum = 10, Maximum = 3600] The length of the graph used to calculate the average ping as seconds. A longer graph gives more room for latency spikes. eg. 120 = 2 minutes


# -- Automatic Report Ban --

autoReportBanEnabled = 'False' # Ban players who accumulate too many spam or exploit report points while this is enabled.

# reportThresholdMultiplier = \'1\' \# [Minimum = 0, Maximum = 100] Multiply the report point threshold used to ban players. eg. 0 = instant ban on any report, 1 = default, 2 = requires twice as many report points to ban.


# -- World --

saveLocation = 'Saves/' # The location to save the worlds slots.

worldSlot = '22' # -1 creates a new world.

allowSaving = 'True'

levelName = 'StormWall' # CrownLand, StormWall

# gameMode = \'Creative\' \# Survival, Creative


# -- Game --

gameMode = 'Survival' # Survival, Creative

randomRelocation = 'True' # Whether or not the game should randomly relocate players when spawning into tight areas.

decay = 'False' # If placed objects and blocks decay and destroy over time.

# Changing these value will not affect pre-existing objects.

blockDecay = '-1' # The time it takes, in seconds, for blocks to decay outside a crest area. Less than zero default is used.

prefabDecay = '-1' # The time it takes, in seconds, for non-blocks to decay outside a crest area. Less than zero default is used.

crestSiege = 'False' # If the crest area can be under siege.

blockCollapsing = 'True' # If blocks collapse when not attached to the ground.


# -- Next --

reportThresholdSpam = '3' # [Minimum = 0, Maximum = 100] A point threshold used to ban players when valid reports are submitted. Reports are worth less points when repeated by players or guildmates. eg. 0 = instant ban on any valid report, 3 = ~3 valid reports.

daysBannedForSpam = '1' # [Minimum = 0] 0 days will ban a player forever. Repeat bans will increase the duration additively.

reportThresholdExploit = '5' # [Minimum = 0, Maximum = 100] A point threshold used to ban players when valid reports are submitted. Reports are worth less points when repeated by players or guildmates. eg. 0 = instant ban on any valid report, 5 = ~5 valid reports.

daysBannedForExploit = '7' # [Minimum = 0] 0 days will ban a player forever. Repeat bans will increase the duration additively.

# Changing these values will not affect pre-existing objects.


# -- The End --


Server starts then it shows few errors, the biggest issue is, server "cant autenticate" steam user connecting the game, which means I am guessing the problem is steam connection, but I have exactly same issue if I run it on my laptop without a firewall...

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The steam error is a known ROK bug that happens when to user that have the game shared. My guess would be that the steam account running the game does not own a license or the connecting players play through family sharing.


Either way the logs would really help

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