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Space Engineers - Windows


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  • 2 weeks later...

If it helps this is the console log


2017-08-22 06:21:21.818 - Thread:   1 ->  Log Started
2017-08-22 06:21:21.820 - Thread:   1 ->  Timezone (local - UTC): -7h
2017-08-22 06:21:21.820 - Thread:   1 ->  App Version: 01_183_017
2017-08-22 06:21:21.820 - Thread:   1 ->  Steam build: Always true
2017-08-22 06:21:21.820 - Thread:   1 ->  Is official: True [NO][NIS][NAMP]
2017-08-22 06:21:21.820 - Thread:   1 ->  Environment.ProcessorCount: 6
2017-08-22 06:21:21.861 - Thread:   1 ->  Environment.OSVersion: Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard (Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0)
2017-08-22 06:21:21.861 - Thread:   1 ->  Environment.CommandLine: "C:\TCAFiles\Users\*********\3\DedicatedServer64\SpaceEngineersDedicated.exe" -console -path "C:\TCAFiles\Users\*********\3\WORLD" -ignorelastsession -maxPlayers 8 -ip ***.***.***.*** -port 27021
2017-08-22 06:21:21.861 - Thread:   1 ->  Environment.Is64BitProcess: True
2017-08-22 06:21:21.861 - Thread:   1 ->  Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem: True
2017-08-22 06:21:21.862 - Thread:   1 ->  Environment.Version: 4.6.1 or later (394271)
2017-08-22 06:21:21.864 - Thread:   1 ->  Environment.CurrentDirectory: C:\TCAFiles\Users\********\3\DedicatedServer64
2017-08-22 06:21:21.868 - Thread:   1 ->  CPU Info: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2697 v3 @ 2.60GHz
2017-08-22 06:21:21.868 - Thread:   1 ->  IntPtr.Size: 8
2017-08-22 06:21:21.868 - Thread:   1 ->  Default Culture: en-US
2017-08-22 06:21:21.868 - Thread:   1 ->  Default UI Culture: en-US
2017-08-22 06:21:21.868 - Thread:   1 ->  IsAdmin: False
2017-08-22 06:21:22.007 - Thread:   1 ->  MySandboxGame.Constructor() - START
2017-08-22 06:21:22.011 - Thread:   1 ->     Game dir: C:\TCAFiles\Users\**********\3\DedicatedServer64
2017-08-22 06:21:22.011 - Thread:   1 ->     Content dir: C:\TCAFiles\Users\**********\3\Content
2017-08-22 06:21:22.011 - Thread:   1 ->     Found processor count: 6
2017-08-22 06:21:22.011 - Thread:   1 ->     Using processor count: 6
2017-08-22 06:21:23.615 - Thread:   1 ->     MyDefinitionManager.LoadScenarios() - START
2017-08-22 06:21:23.622 - Thread:   1 ->        0cc9d563753742fc60caf02bc7d399ad338aa1f4
2017-08-22 06:21:24.228 - Thread:   1 ->        Loading scenarios
2017-08-22 06:21:24.292 - Thread:   1 ->     MyDefinitionManager.LoadScenarios() - END
2017-08-22 06:21:24.293 - Thread:   1 ->     Preallocate - START
2017-08-22 06:21:24.295 - Thread:   1 ->        MySpaceBuildComponent - START
2017-08-22 06:21:24.295 - Thread:   1 ->        MySpaceBuildComponent - END
2017-08-22 06:21:24.295 - Thread:   1 ->        MySpaceWorldGenerator - START
2017-08-22 06:21:24.307 - Thread:   1 ->        MySpaceWorldGenerator - END
2017-08-22 06:21:24.307 - Thread:   1 ->        MyEntities - START
2017-08-22 06:21:24.340 - Thread:   1 ->        MyEntities - END
2017-08-22 06:21:24.340 - Thread:   1 ->        MyObjectBuilder_Base - START
2017-08-22 06:21:24.340 - Thread:   1 ->        MyObjectBuilder_Base - END
2017-08-22 06:21:24.340 - Thread:   1 ->        MyTransparentGeometry - START
2017-08-22 06:21:24.348 - Thread:   1 ->        MyTransparentGeometry - END
2017-08-22 06:21:24.349 - Thread:   1 ->        MyCubeGridDeformationTables - START
2017-08-22 06:21:24.362 - Thread:   1 ->        MyCubeGridDeformationTables - END
2017-08-22 06:21:24.362 - Thread:   1 ->        MyMath - START
2017-08-22 06:21:24.362 - Thread:   1 ->        MyMath - END
2017-08-22 06:21:24.362 - Thread:   1 ->        MySimpleObjectDraw - START
2017-08-22 06:21:24.364 - Thread:   1 ->        MySimpleObjectDraw - END
2017-08-22 06:21:24.378 - Thread:   1 ->        MyDefinitionManager - START
2017-08-22 06:21:24.378 - Thread:   1 ->        MyDefinitionManager - END
2017-08-22 06:21:24.378 - Thread:   1 ->        MyCubeGridDefinitions - START
2017-08-22 06:21:24.436 - Thread:   1 ->        MyCubeGridDefinitions - END
2017-08-22 06:21:24.436 - Thread:   1 ->        MyAIActionsParser - START
2017-08-22 06:21:24.436 - Thread:   1 ->        MyAIActionsParser - END
2017-08-22 06:21:24.436 - Thread:   1 ->        MyMultiplayerBase - START
2017-08-22 06:21:24.436 - Thread:   1 ->        MyMultiplayerBase - END
2017-08-22 06:21:24.436 - Thread:   1 ->        MyMultiplayerServerBase - START
2017-08-22 06:21:24.436 - Thread:   1 ->        MyMultiplayerServerBase - END
2017-08-22 06:21:24.436 - Thread:   1 ->        MyDedicatedServerBase - START
2017-08-22 06:21:24.436 - Thread:   1 ->        MyDedicatedServerBase - END
2017-08-22 06:21:24.436 - Thread:   1 ->        MyMultiplayerClientBase - START
2017-08-22 06:21:24.436 - Thread:   1 ->        MyMultiplayerClientBase - END
2017-08-22 06:21:24.436 - Thread:   1 ->        MyMultiplayerLobbyClient - START
2017-08-22 06:21:24.436 - Thread:   1 ->        MyMultiplayerLobbyClient - END
2017-08-22 06:21:24.436 - Thread:   1 ->        MyServerDebugCommands - START
2017-08-22 06:21:24.445 - Thread:   1 ->        MyServerDebugCommands - END
2017-08-22 06:21:24.445 - Thread:   1 ->        MyClientDebugCommands - START
2017-08-22 06:21:24.446 - Thread:   1 ->        MyClientDebugCommands - END
2017-08-22 06:21:24.446 - Thread:   1 ->        MyMultiplayerClient - START
2017-08-22 06:21:24.446 - Thread:   1 ->        MyMultiplayerClient - END
2017-08-22 06:21:24.446 - Thread:   1 ->        MyMultiplayerLobby - START
2017-08-22 06:21:24.446 - Thread:   1 ->        MyMultiplayerLobby - END
2017-08-22 06:21:24.446 - Thread:   1 ->        MyDedicatedServer - START
2017-08-22 06:21:24.446 - Thread:   1 ->        MyDedicatedServer - END
2017-08-22 06:21:24.446 - Thread:   1 ->        MyAiTargetManager - START
2017-08-22 06:21:24.447 - Thread:   1 ->        MyAiTargetManager - END
2017-08-22 06:21:24.447 - Thread:   1 ->        MyEntityComponentsDebugDraw - START
2017-08-22 06:21:24.447 - Thread:   1 ->        MyEntityComponentsDebugDraw - END
2017-08-22 06:21:24.447 - Thread:   1 ->        MyChatHistory - START
2017-08-22 06:21:24.447 - Thread:   1 ->        MyChatHistory - END
2017-08-22 06:21:24.447 - Thread:   1 ->        MySyncDestructions - START
2017-08-22 06:21:24.447 - Thread:   1 ->        MySyncDestructions - END
2017-08-22 06:21:24.447 - Thread:   1 ->        MyGuiIngameScriptsPage - START
2017-08-22 06:21:24.488 - Thread:   1 ->        MyGuiIngameScriptsPage - END
2017-08-22 06:21:24.488 - Thread:   1 ->        MyGuiScreenAdminMenu - START
2017-08-22 06:21:24.489 - Thread:   1 ->        MyGuiScreenAdminMenu - END
2017-08-22 06:21:24.489 - Thread:   1 ->        MyCommandCharacter - START
2017-08-22 06:21:24.492 - Thread:   1 ->        MyCommandCharacter - END
2017-08-22 06:21:24.492 - Thread:   1 ->        MyCommandConsole - START
2017-08-22 06:21:24.493 - Thread:   1 ->        MyCommandConsole - END
2017-08-22 06:21:24.493 - Thread:   1 ->        MyCommandEntity - START
2017-08-22 06:21:24.496 - Thread:   1 ->        MyCommandEntity - END
2017-08-22 06:21:24.496 - Thread:   1 ->        MySyncScenario - START
2017-08-22 06:21:24.496 - Thread:   1 ->        MySyncScenario - END
2017-08-22 06:21:24.496 - Thread:   1 ->        MySyncEntity - START
2017-08-22 06:21:24.496 - Thread:   1 ->        MySyncEntity - END
2017-08-22 06:21:24.496 - Thread:   1 ->     Preallocate - END
2017-08-22 06:21:24.532 - Thread:   1 ->     Bind IP : ***.***.***.***:27021
2017-08-22 06:21:28.870 - Thread:   1 ->     Server successfully started
2017-08-22 06:21:28.871 - Thread:   1 ->     Product name: Space Engineers
2017-08-22 06:21:28.871 - Thread:   1 ->     Desc: Space Engineers
2017-08-22 06:21:28.871 - Thread:   1 ->     Public IP: ***.***.***.***
2017-08-22 06:21:28.871 - Thread:   1 ->     Steam ID: 90110671888887811
2017-08-22 06:21:28.888 - Thread:   1 ->     MyCampaignManager.Constructor() - START
2017-08-22 06:21:28.939 - Thread:   1 ->     MyCampaignManager.Constructor() - END
2017-08-22 06:21:28.939 - Thread:   1 ->  MySandboxGame.Constructor() - END
2017-08-22 06:21:28.941 - Thread:   1 ->  MySandboxGame.Initialize() - START
2017-08-22 06:21:29.009 - Thread:   1 ->     MyGuiGameControlsHelpers()
2017-08-22 06:21:29.062 - Thread:   1 ->     Havok: Physics.Init
2017-08-22 06:21:29.063 - Thread:   1 ->     Havok: Version: Release(0), 1800, [s]
2017-08-22 06:21:29.066 - Thread:   1 ->     HkGameName: SpaceEngineers Release
2017-08-22 06:21:29.092 - Thread:   1 ->     MySandboxGame.LoadData() - START
2017-08-22 06:21:29.093 - Thread:   1 ->        MyDefinitionManager.PreloadDefinitions() - START
2017-08-22 06:21:29.232 - Thread:   1 ->        MyDefinitionManager.PreloadDefinitions() - END
2017-08-22 06:21:29.395 - Thread:   1 ->     MySandboxGame.LoadData() - END
2017-08-22 06:21:29.626 - Thread:  11 ->  MyDefinitionManager.PrepareBaseDefinitions() - START
2017-08-22 06:21:31.469 - Thread:   1 ->     Cannot start new world - Premade world not found 
2017-08-22 06:21:31.470 - Thread:   1 ->  MySandboxGame.Initialize() - END
2017-08-22 06:21:31.471 - Thread:   1 ->  Timer Frequency: 10000000
2017-08-22 06:21:31.471 - Thread:   1 ->  Ticks per frame: 167364
2017-08-22 06:21:31.546 - Thread:   1 ->  Server connected to Steam
2017-08-22 06:21:31.547 - Thread:   1 ->  Server PolicyResponse (1)
2017-08-22 06:21:33.904 - Thread:  11 ->  MyDefinitionManager.PrepareBaseDefinitions() - END

Edited by Cyborgdelta1
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Hello I am trying to set up this up also but I keep getting this error in the console


Cannot start new world - Premade world not found


and the only reference I could find for this error is way back in 2015 where the fix was to put -console in the command line


Try adding. -console in command line. And update the servers. I might of missed that. Cheers for spotting

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
I will add one with the correct XML settings, there should be an additional xml configuration file to create the worlds and scenario automatically when you install the server and a populated world i might add.


Is the file at the start of this thread the one with the updated .xml config that resolves the world creation?


I am running into the same issue... 'Cannot create world on server startup' :-(



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  • 6 months later...

Im lost. I can not for the life of me change the slot count for my server...... When I created the server for the first time i made a 30 slot. Took me a while to figure out how to get a world loaded (made one on my local PC then uploaded to server). The second time I created a 20 slot. Installed a new world using the same method. I want to change the slot count to 30.... TCAdmin WILL NOT let me do it. I have change all Maxplayer references with in the games config files that i can find. I have changed the slot count in the service settings, i have changed the slot count via the actions center, i have also overridden the Command line to -maxplayers 30.


I even tried deleting the service... installing a new service with the desired slot count, then repeating all steps above when that didn't work.


No matter what i do the server starts up with only 20 slots.


Any ideas?

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  • 6 months later...

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