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Megapack of configs


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Hey guys,


I'd like to share all configs of mine (or just all of them I've been downloading for years, would be hard to sort it) and some additional scripts. Eventually, I was applied to the job of my dream so there is no needs to store all of this on my HDD now :)


Feel free to use it anywhere! I'm still opened for some kind of fast job but whatever.


Would appreciate some donations here:

BTC Wallet: 1C9Y7GuoXr3Bta3f3J4URLS7tcsjKbDfHB

ETH (Ethereum) Wallet: 0xa8602e678a1952d0b100f8137e99b546d51c611b

XRP (Ripple) Wallet: rUocf1ixKzTuEe34kmVhRvGqNCofY1NJzV


Good luck everyone and Merry Xmas! :p




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1 minute ago, Khurune said:

I get 'Server Error in '/' Application.' when trying to import the Arma3 config atm, any ideas?

Is your. Version upto date I have a config for arma 3 if you want it fully works I have others too like altis life exile epoch stuff like that all separate configs

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5 minutes ago, Khurune said:

As in TCAdmin version, it is, yes. And if you could that would be absolutely great, you'd save me a nice little bit of time. Was going to import the 2018 one as a base to work from to get my started.

here is my Arma 3 config.. there is an OLD mod download script before the new one was added u can delete that.. also remember to update the steam info. hope this helps u. this is an older config but works... it doesn't have some of my customized features i use for my clients but it has enough to get server running at least

Arma 3 For Tcadmin - Windows.xml

Edited by numpty
addition of text and bad spelling
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3 minutes ago, Khurune said:

Thank you very much for that, looks like I've run into the same issue. I may have a permissions problem somewhere, so I'm going to have to go hunting and see what's going on.

damn man if u want i can look into it for you add me on discord Hater3flux#6678 and i will  see what can do to help u out

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5 minutes ago, lynxwolf1 said:

i tryed to use the rust config and it says 

Task: Rust 25 slots owned by lynxwolf [ New Window ]  [ Info ]
Error - The file /home/tcagame/lynxwolf/2/rustserver.sh does not exist

I have that sometimes what I usually do is download the files first into the games directory  via the .sh scripts in there and I create new ones for any new games I make... try that see if it helps

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2 hours ago, lynxwolf1 said:

i tryed to use the rust config and it says 

Task: Rust 25 slots owned by lynxwolf [ New Window ]  [ Info ]
Error - The file /home/tcagame/lynxwolf/2/rustserver.sh does not exist

Make Sure your Steam Profile is set and working correctly,  had the same issue with Dayz expect on windows, and i didnt have a steam account set. 

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Insurgency: Sandstorm ?:)

Possibly. I haven't got one otherwise would share it. I mean they're not hard to update manually. Search Google on how to make a dedicated server. Check things like the exe is correct. The config files are correct and updated with variables in Place n stuff. Then test it out. That's what tends to do but give it a search here first and see if there is a more up to date one if not give the other way a try. Once you learn to create/update them it becomes easier.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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