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DayZ SA Config with DZSA Launcher and BEC and Auto Backup


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With this configuration of DayZ SA you have the following features

  • DZSALModServer
  • BEC
  • Auto Backup
  • Mod instal
  • ....


Currently I am working on the installation of OmegaSC which is proving to be a bit difficult


  • Download DZSALModServer.exe and copy the file into the folder C:\TCAFiles\Games\Dayzsa_test
  • create the folder C:\TCAFiles\Games\Dayzsa_test\backups\mpmissions
  • Download BEC and copy the zip file into the CC:\TCAFiles\Games\Dayzsa_test\TCA.Mods

Dayzsa - Windows DZSA-Launcher BEC AutoBeckup.xml





Edited by Jus61
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which mods do you mean exactly?


BEC and DZSA Launcher are linked all other mods are downloaded via Steam CMD


Hi there, it doesn't seem like they are downloaded from SteamCMD, i get the error: zip could not be found. I could download them manually and zip them if thats whats required? Thanks!

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Me To and BEC comes Wrong Passwort


Error - 550 The system cannot find the file specified.


Good Job


Here the Trader Script. I Must change the TCAdmin folder to D:


@echo off

REM Nur MODID und MODNAME ändern, der Rest ist automatisch.




SET STEAMPATH=%TCAdminFolder%\Monitor\Tools\SteamCmd







SET MODID=1590841260

SET MODNAME=Trader.zip


SET MODFOLDER="D:\TCAFiles\Games\Dayzsa_test\TCA.Mods"


SET RAR="C:\Program Files (x86)\WinRAR"


echo ---------------------------------------------------

echo Updateroutine der DayZ Mods gestartet

echo ---------------------------------------------------




echo ---

echo %MODNAME%

echo ---


%STEAMPATH%\steamcmd +login %LOGIN% %PASSWORD% +force_install_dir %MODFOLDER% +"workshop_download_item 221100 %MODID%" +quit


%RAR%\winrar.exe a -afzip -ep1 -r %MODFOLDER%\%MODNAME% %MODFOLDER%\steamapps\workshop\content\221100\%MODID%\*.*


COPY %MODFOLDER%\steamapps\workshop\content\221100\%MODID%\Keys\*.bikey %ThisService_RootDirectory%\keys /Y


echo ---------------------------------------------------

echo Modupdates durchgeführt

echo ---------------------------------------------------

Edited by Gotteshand
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Problem with that script is that the admin will have to manually update the mods Everytime there is an update. Why no create a auto download script into the panel that they input the I'd and a name. And it downloads the up to date mods saves creating a list of mods also and saves space on the hdd

Like I did for my Arma and dayz servers

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The Same


@echo off


echo Starting Bec

timeout 10

:: start bec

set becpath=%ThisService_RootDirectory%battleye\Bec\

if exist %becpath%Bec.exe (

echo BEC vorhanden

cd /d %becpath%

start Bec.exe --dsc Config.cfg

) else (

echo BEC nicht vorhanden



echo Server Started 100%



18:53:11 : Login failed : Wrong password!

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start Bec.exe -f Config.cfg --dsc can only be 1 variable -f or --dsc NOT bot been working with arma and NEC for 5 yrs


and the autobackup Needs 7zip why not use the inbuilt zip protocol??


Numpty, any chance you can give some tips on how to make this work for a noob for arma 3 and dayz standalone? :)

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  • 1 month later...

So I have tackled part of this 'mission'... DayZSAModlauncher...

Gotten it up and running and can connect and play..but not seeing any mods being downloaded from the server to the client


Does this need, like ECO, to have:

netsh http add urlacl url=http://+:<port>/ user=Everyone

added as a script, executed on creation, to allow the launcher HTTP part to work?


** UPDATE **

Answered my own question... after some additional debugging.. no it does not

Edited by fjamieson
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  • 3 months later...
  • 8 months later...

I just have a question regarding the commandline,


So for the mod to load shouldnt there be a -mod:@blablabla part in? this commandline doesnt have it, so how does the DZSALModServer.exe know which mods it needs to let clients auto download?


I see no config file where it can be put it either. and the scripts he has for download mods simply download them on steam and paste them in the root.

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Nevermind I seem to have found my problem


However, now some of these mods, require more than 1 mod to work for example the mod called @notes downloads another mod called @onlinecommunity or something


so it copies both mods into the correct folder but it only adds 1 to the commandline, any way you can think of so it adds both to command line ?

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