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TCAdmin 2.0.149 now available (stable)


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Notes before you update

  • This update adds support for ThemeBuilder. All colors are taken from the ThemeBuilder css that you choose for your theme. Basically you will see a lot of white or transparent elements until you choose a ThemeBuilder theme in your theme's settings and click on apply colors. If you have a custom theme or template and want to see how this change affects it before updating you may request a trial key.
  • Starting with this update all default themes are updated automatically (ids starting with 000). Custom css and logos are not overwritten. If you have modified one of these themes it is recommended to create a backup by exporting it. More information can be found here.


  • This update includes the "TCAdmin NexT" theme for MVC. It's a modern version of the ASP.NET theme that everyone loves. You can see a video of it in action here.
  • MVC now supports ThemeBuilder. Click here for more information.
  • MVC is now using fontawesome icons.
  • Added new popup window to show a custom script's output. This is enabled in the script's settings (MVC only). You can see a video of it in action here. Demo scripts can be found here.
  • Released TCAdminConsoleWrapper.exe. This can be used to capture the output of a game server's console if "Control console's output" makes it crash. Read here for more information.
  • Added option in game's steam settings to allow search for unlisted items in the Workshop browser.


  • Fixed workshop install errors when steam api does not return any info.
  • MVC file manager did not show loading animation when deleting.
  • MVC file manager could not download files with %20 in the name.
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is this still in the works or is tca next well the beginning of it?



I have just finished cleaning up my template as i changed from 2019 to 2020.

Will TCA next now be the default theme for tcadmin and you will just build out from there?

i too want to work on 1 theme and get it looking good and as TCA updates UI i just modify what i need to on my theme.

Are we not able to get 1 "dev license" with every master license same as what WHMCS does instead of having to request trials?

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12 minutes ago, SHAD0WRAIDERZA said:

is this still in the works or is tca next well the beginning of it?

AFAIK, the new theme and "NexT" are two different things.

13 minutes ago, SHAD0WRAIDERZA said:

Are we not able to get 1 "dev license" with every master license same as what WHMCS does instead of having to request trials?

You'd need to request a trial. TCAdmin doesn't use WHMCS' licensing software.

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10 hours ago, SHAD0WRAIDERZA said:

is this still in the works or is tca next well the beginning of it?



I have just finished cleaning up my template as i changed from 2019 to 2020.

Will TCA next now be the default theme for tcadmin and you will just build out from there?

i too want to work on 1 theme and get it looking good and as TCA updates UI i just modify what i need to on my theme.

Are we not able to get 1 "dev license" with every master license same as what WHMCS does instead of having to request trials?


That is indeed still in the works, this is just another separate theme for now just to allow people who are used to the ASPX layout to easily adjust themselves to move over to MVC before the new template gets released 🙂

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12 hours ago, M0RG4N said:


That is indeed still in the works, this is just another separate theme for now just to allow people who are used to the ASPX layout to easily adjust themselves to move over to MVC before the new template gets released 🙂

Cool! I spoke to Luis and he said that Next is pretty much the same and he will only release anything if its noticeably better.

I think we should stick with the nav on the left hand side (its just how control panels are) and other game control panels today are the same. we shouldn't deviate from this design IMO.

The community should just take NeXt as a base and improve on it i dont know if we can create a next theme thread where we can suggest things for it?

Making it the official default theme for tcadmin dark and light. If people have the knowledge of creating a theme from scratch that should have that power and or improve on their default theme to suit their brand. or even go back to the older templates of they so choose but we should not support those anymore.

So lets get Next to what tca deserves.

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I like what the NexT theme is aiming for, however, a balance of horizontal and vertical menus is much more ergonomic because it doesn't push everything to the right when you hover over it. It also categorizes everything for an easier eye appeal. I'm also not a fan of the stock fluorescent fontawesome icons. But, making them all the same color wouldn't necessarily help either since they would all blend in. Personally, I'm torn and may just keep the below MVC theme until I can determine how to make the NexT theme quicker to navigate for clients and easier on the eyes.


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Original theme you could minimize the left navigation sidebar, i've not tested it yet but if that feature is not there, i'd recommend adding it and do what you have done with the game service navigation ( For them to shrink when not in use, thus freeing up more screen space.

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On 6/15/2020 at 9:59 PM, CloudNine said:

Original theme you could minimize the left navigation sidebar, i've not tested it yet but if that feature is not there, i'd recommend adding it and do what you have done with the game service navigation ( For them to shrink when not in use, thus freeing up more screen space.


It will be in the next update. https://imgur.com/a/3GuyZ4a

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