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Dead Matter V1 - Being Updated Soon


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Dead Matter V1 - Being Updated Soon

Basic template for Dead Matter Version 1 (Work In Progress)

You will need to have a key for this game and login with your steam details to download it (like dayz etc),

If you have issues downloading the files, create a folder in games, download the files direct from the steam library and copy the files there.

Known Issue - Update: 13/09/2020

After the last update this no longer works over tcadmin unless started directly from the machine using deadmatter.exe

Failed Handshake - currently working on (because its running over tcadmin) - Working on new commandline

Make a text file called steam_appid.txt and write 575440 in that file, then place it in deadmatter\Binaries\Win64\ It was missing in the latest patch.


As stated this is a work in progress and will need adjustments.


Edited by MrCynic
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To start Dead Matter with TCAdmin you can configure this batch file. Name it startserver.bat and configure it as the game server's executable. I confirmed this is working with a client's server. It starts the steam client before starting the game server. Steam doesn't even need to log in.

set currentdir=%cd%

cd /d "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\"
start steam.exe
ping -n 10 > nul

cd /d %currentdir%
deadmatter\Binaries\Win64\deadmatterServer-Win64-Shipping.exe %*



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  • 3 weeks later...

I run a dead matter server and have done a lot of digging into best practices for installing/running and everything other bit of information I can get my hands on.

I am running on a windows 2019 server and with the most recent update its req to have steam running on the box running the Dead Matter server.

As of patch 0.4.0 It will try to install MS .net 3.5 but of course Windows Service os won't allow it and has to be installed by other means. 

Best way to update the server is threw the steam Client. and it is req to run once threw steam (I have copied it and made multiple servers after running it just once so its not req for every copy of the game running on a single box) I do not know that SteamCMD actually works as it has been abandoned by most Communities running on there own dedicated box.


I have played around with the current version of the TC admin DM config file only issue I'm having so far is that I cannot see it in the game Server list (I copied over my test/dev server). 


I hope to see this improved. Would love to get rid of extra programs so I can have TC admin running everything. If there's anything I do or info I can give don't hesitate to DM me on Discord. I am on the TC-Admin discord TangoDown#6221




Edited by TangoDown
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