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Name is not taken from the service host name


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I have a question about the service names.
It no longer takes over the names and you can no longer tell from the name what kind of server it is

Although he should get the name from the host name

As you can see, it worked once e.g. with the Arma 3 servers





Hope someone has a tip



Edited by Gotteshand
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Hi, enable debug mode in the server's TCAdminMonitor.exe.config and restart the monitor. After a few minutes check TCAdmin2\Logs\Monitor\console.log to see if there is an error when the game monitor checks on the game server. You should see something like this and under that any errors.

Monitoring service id ### - IP:PORT...


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  • 2 months later...
On 12/30/2020 at 12:35 AM, LFA said:

Hi, enable debug mode in the server's TCAdminMonitor.exe.config and restart the monitor. After a few minutes check TCAdmin2\Logs\Monitor\console.log to see if there is an error when the game monitor checks on the game server. You should see something like this and under that any errors.

Monitoring service id ### - IP:PORT...


Hi. I have now times on the root with the IP endent 125 the debug activated and in the log is the following:

TCAdmin - The Game Hosting Control Panel
Configuring Monitor files...
Configured Monitor files
Configuring Shared files...
Configured Shared files
Configuring database connection...
Configured database connection
Software Version         :
.NET Version             : 4.0.30319.42000 Windows 64 bits
Monitor Ports            : Secure: 8881 Standard: 8880
Windows Firewall Support : Disabled
uPnP Port Forwarding     : Disabled
Current User             : SYSTEM
Database Engine          : MySQL
Database Cache           : Enabled
Threads                  : 32767 of 32767
Debug Mode               : Enabled
Security                 : Tls 1.2, Tls 1.1, Tls 1.0
Processors               : 8

Updating 2 installed plugins...
Verifying plugin Remote Admin-1.0.0...
Plugin should only be installed on the master.
Verifying plugin JSON Editor-1.0.3...
Plugin does not have any monitor files.
Copying Shared\bin-extensions...
Copied Shared\bin-extensions.
Starting the Monitor Web Service...
The Monitor Web Service has been started.
Starting the Task Scheduler...
The Task Scheduler has been started.
Starting the Game Monitor Service...
The Game Monitor Service has been started.
The System Monitor Service has been started.
Starting the FTP Service...
The FTP Service has been started on port 8821. TLS: Optional (Explicit)

The Remote Monitor has been started on WIN-MRLR755CKN3
Reloaded tasks. Count: 12
TASK: 26447 - Restart 8 EXECUTION TIME (LOCAL): 08.03.2021 08:00:00 UTC: 08.03.2021 07:00:00
TASK: 26449 - Restart 12 EXECUTION TIME (LOCAL): 08.03.2021 10:38:51 UTC: 08.03.2021 09:38:51
TASK: 26450 - Restart 12:00 EXECUTION TIME (LOCAL): 08.03.2021 12:00:00 UTC: 08.03.2021 11:00:00
TASK: 26455 - Restart 16 EXECUTION TIME (LOCAL): 08.03.2021 16:00:00 UTC: 08.03.2021 15:00:00
TASK: 26459 - Restart 18:00 EXECUTION TIME (LOCAL): 08.03.2021 18:00:00 UTC: 08.03.2021 17:00:00
TASK: 26462 - Restart 20 EXECUTION TIME (LOCAL): 08.03.2021 20:00:00 UTC: 08.03.2021 19:00:00
TASK: 26468 - Restart 0 EXECUTION TIME (LOCAL): 09.03.2021 00:00:00 UTC: 08.03.2021 23:00:00
TASK: 26471 - Restart 0:00 EXECUTION TIME (LOCAL): 09.03.2021 00:00:00 UTC: 08.03.2021 23:00:00
TASK: 26474 - Restart 4 EXECUTION TIME (LOCAL): 09.03.2021 04:00:00 UTC: 09.03.2021 03:00:00
TASK: 26481 - Restart 6 EXECUTION TIME (LOCAL): 09.03.2021 06:00:00 UTC: 09.03.2021 05:00:00
TASK: 27070 - Restart 6:00 EXECUTION TIME (LOCAL): 09.03.2021 06:00:00 UTC: 09.03.2021 05:00:00
TASK: 27073 - Backup EXECUTION TIME (LOCAL): 09.03.2021 06:00:00 UTC: 09.03.2021 05:00:00
Monitoring service id 170 -
Updated live stats for 170: pid=6808 online=1 players=0 cpu=8.95, memory=4938080256
Monitoring service id 150 -
Updated live stats for 150: pid=5616 online=1 players=2 cpu=2.92, memory=5580492800
Collecting game stats on DHS 9900k
Saved 6 rows to database. Read time: 0.073s. MySQL time: 0.049s.
TASK: 26447 - Executing 'Restart 8'
Adding task to queue: 26447
51731 - TaskId: 26447 Before: ScheduledRestart Memory: 45,36 MB
restart if not empty=True
skip if not empty=False
wait if not empty=False
Reloaded tasks. Count: 11
TASK: 26449 - Restart 12 EXECUTION TIME (LOCAL): 08.03.2021 10:38:51 UTC: 08.03.2021 09:38:51
TASK: 26450 - Restart 12:00 EXECUTION TIME (LOCAL): 08.03.2021 12:00:00 UTC: 08.03.2021 11:00:00
TASK: 26455 - Restart 16 EXECUTION TIME (LOCAL): 08.03.2021 16:00:00 UTC: 08.03.2021 15:00:00
TASK: 26459 - Restart 18:00 EXECUTION TIME (LOCAL): 08.03.2021 18:00:00 UTC: 08.03.2021 17:00:00
TASK: 26462 - Restart 20 EXECUTION TIME (LOCAL): 08.03.2021 20:00:00 UTC: 08.03.2021 19:00:00
TASK: 26468 - Restart 0 EXECUTION TIME (LOCAL): 09.03.2021 00:00:00 UTC: 08.03.2021 23:00:00
TASK: 26471 - Restart 0:00 EXECUTION TIME (LOCAL): 09.03.2021 00:00:00 UTC: 08.03.2021 23:00:00
TASK: 26474 - Restart 4 EXECUTION TIME (LOCAL): 09.03.2021 04:00:00 UTC: 09.03.2021 03:00:00
TASK: 26481 - Restart 6 EXECUTION TIME (LOCAL): 09.03.2021 06:00:00 UTC: 09.03.2021 05:00:00
TASK: 27070 - Restart 6:00 EXECUTION TIME (LOCAL): 09.03.2021 06:00:00 UTC: 09.03.2021 05:00:00
TASK: 27073 - Backup EXECUTION TIME (LOCAL): 09.03.2021 06:00:00 UTC: 09.03.2021 05:00:00
08.03.2021 08:00:08 Testing if monitor is responding... Test #1
08.03.2021 08:00:09 Testing if monitor is responding... Test #2
08.03.2021 08:00:09 Testing if monitor is responding... Test #3
08.03.2021 08:00:09 Testing if monitor is responding... Test #4
08.03.2021 08:00:09 Testing if monitor is responding... Test #5
08.03.2021 08:00:10 Testing if monitor is responding... Test #6
08.03.2021 08:00:10 All tests completed successfully.
Scheduled next run time for recurring task "Restart 8". Local: 09.03.2021 08:00:00 UTC: 09.03.2021 07:00:00 (1)
TASK: 26447 - Scheduling next run time for recurring task "Restart 8"...
TASK: 26447 - Next run time is 09.03.2021 08:00:00
51731 - TaskId: 26447 After: ScheduledRestart Memory: 80,91 MB
Reloaded tasks. Count: 12
TASK: 26449 - Restart 12 EXECUTION TIME (LOCAL): 08.03.2021 10:38:51 UTC: 08.03.2021 09:38:51
TASK: 26450 - Restart 12:00 EXECUTION TIME (LOCAL): 08.03.2021 12:00:00 UTC: 08.03.2021 11:00:00
TASK: 26455 - Restart 16 EXECUTION TIME (LOCAL): 08.03.2021 16:00:00 UTC: 08.03.2021 15:00:00
TASK: 26459 - Restart 18:00 EXECUTION TIME (LOCAL): 08.03.2021 18:00:00 UTC: 08.03.2021 17:00:00
TASK: 26462 - Restart 20 EXECUTION TIME (LOCAL): 08.03.2021 20:00:00 UTC: 08.03.2021 19:00:00
TASK: 26468 - Restart 0 EXECUTION TIME (LOCAL): 09.03.2021 00:00:00 UTC: 08.03.2021 23:00:00
TASK: 26471 - Restart 0:00 EXECUTION TIME (LOCAL): 09.03.2021 00:00:00 UTC: 08.03.2021 23:00:00
TASK: 26474 - Restart 4 EXECUTION TIME (LOCAL): 09.03.2021 04:00:00 UTC: 09.03.2021 03:00:00
TASK: 26481 - Restart 6 EXECUTION TIME (LOCAL): 09.03.2021 06:00:00 UTC: 09.03.2021 05:00:00
TASK: 27070 - Restart 6:00 EXECUTION TIME (LOCAL): 09.03.2021 06:00:00 UTC: 09.03.2021 05:00:00
TASK: 27073 - Backup EXECUTION TIME (LOCAL): 09.03.2021 06:00:00 UTC: 09.03.2021 05:00:00
TASK: 27074 - Restart 8 EXECUTION TIME (LOCAL): 09.03.2021 08:00:00 UTC: 09.03.2021 07:00:00
08.03.2021 08:01:10 Testing if monitor is responding... Test #1
08.03.2021 08:01:10 Testing if monitor is responding... Test #2
08.03.2021 08:01:10 Testing if monitor is responding... Test #3
08.03.2021 08:01:10 Testing if monitor is responding... Test #4
08.03.2021 08:01:10 Testing if monitor is responding... Test #5
08.03.2021 08:01:10 Testing if monitor is responding... Test #6
08.03.2021 08:01:10 All tests completed successfully.

On this server are eg 7 DayZ to Die servers and their names are not taken.

On the master, the log looks like this:

TCAdmin - The Game Hosting Control Panel
Configuring Monitor files...
Configured Monitor files
Configuring Shared files...
Configured Shared files
Configuring database connection...
Configured database connection
Software Version         :
.NET Version             : 4.0.30319.42000 Windows 64 bits
Monitor Ports            : Secure: 8881 Standard: 8880
Windows Firewall Support : Enabled
uPnP Port Forwarding     : Disabled
Current User             : SYSTEM
Database Engine          : MySQL
Database Cache           : Enabled
Threads                  : 32767 of 32767
Debug Mode               : Enabled
Security                 : Tls 1.2, Tls 1.1, Tls 1.0
Processors               : 8

Copying Shared\bin-extensions...
Copied Shared\bin-extensions.
Copying bin-extensions...
Copying D:\TCAdmin2\ControlPanel.MVC\bin-extensions\Remote Admin-1.0.0\Myrtille.Common.dll to D:\TCAdmin2\ControlPanel.MVC\bin\Myrtille.Common.dll...
Copying D:\TCAdmin2\ControlPanel.MVC\bin-extensions\Remote Admin-1.0.0\Myrtille.Services.Contracts.dll to D:\TCAdmin2\ControlPanel.MVC\bin\Myrtille.Services.Contracts.dll...
Copying D:\TCAdmin2\ControlPanel.MVC\bin-extensions\Remote Admin-1.0.0\RemoteAdminWeb.dll to D:\TCAdmin2\ControlPanel.MVC\bin\RemoteAdminWeb.dll...
Copying D:\TCAdmin2\ControlPanel.MVC\bin-extensions\Remote Admin-1.0.0\RestSharp.dll to D:\TCAdmin2\ControlPanel.MVC\bin\RestSharp.dll...
Copying D:\TCAdmin2\ControlPanel.MVC\bin-extensions\Remote Admin-1.0.0\Monitor\RemoteAdmin.dll to D:\TCAdmin2\ControlPanel.MVC\bin\RemoteAdmin.dll...
Copied bin-extensions.
Starting the Monitor Web Service...
The Monitor Web Service has been started.
Starting the Public MVC Web Service...
The Public MVC Web Service has been started.
Starting the Public Web Service...
The Public Web Service has been started.
Starting the Task Scheduler...
The Task Scheduler has been started.
Starting the Game Monitor Service...
The Game Monitor Service has been started.
The System Monitor Service has been started.
Myrtille.Services already exists
Started Myrtille.Services
Myrtille.Admin.Services already exists
Started Myrtille.Admin.Services
Starting the Myrtille Web Service...
The Myrtille Web Service has been started.
Starting the FTP Service...
The FTP Service has been started on port 8821. TLS: Optional (Explicit)

The Master Monitor has been started on WIN-TVFTQ1EE1GA
Scheduled next run time for recurring task "Normaler Restart". Local: 28.12.2018 06:00:00 UTC: 28.12.2018 05:00:00 (2)
System.NullReferenceException: Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt.
   bei TCAdmin.TaskScheduler.SDK.Objects.RecurringTask.ScheduleNextTask()
Scheduled next run time for recurring task "Restart". Local: 28.12.2018 06:00:00 UTC: 28.12.2018 05:00:00 (2)
System.NullReferenceException: Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt.
   bei TCAdmin.TaskScheduler.SDK.Objects.RecurringTask.ScheduleNextTask()
Scheduled next run time for recurring task "Restart". Local: 28.12.2018 06:00:00 UTC: 28.12.2018 05:00:00 (2)
System.NullReferenceException: Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt.
   bei TCAdmin.TaskScheduler.SDK.Objects.RecurringTask.ScheduleNextTask()
Scheduled next run time for recurring task "Restart". Local: 28.12.2018 06:00:00 UTC: 28.12.2018 05:00:00 (2)
System.NullReferenceException: Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt.
   bei TCAdmin.TaskScheduler.SDK.Objects.RecurringTask.ScheduleNextTask()
Scheduled next run time for recurring task "Restart". Local: 28.12.2018 06:00:00 UTC: 28.12.2018 05:00:00 (2)
System.NullReferenceException: Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt.
   bei TCAdmin.TaskScheduler.SDK.Objects.RecurringTask.ScheduleNextTask()
Scheduled next run time for recurring task "Restart 1 0:00". Local: 28.12.2018 00:00:00 UTC: 27.12.2018 23:00:00 (2)
System.NullReferenceException: Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt.
   bei TCAdmin.TaskScheduler.SDK.Objects.RecurringTask.ScheduleNextTask()
Scheduled next run time for recurring task "Restart 3 12:00". Local: 28.12.2018 12:00:00 UTC: 28.12.2018 11:00:00 (2)
System.NullReferenceException: Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt.
   bei TCAdmin.TaskScheduler.SDK.Objects.RecurringTask.ScheduleNextTask()
Reloaded tasks. Count: 6
TASK: 26452 - RE 12 EXECUTION TIME (LOCAL): 08.03.2021 12:00:00 UTC: 08.03.2021 11:00:00
TASK: 26460 - RE 18 EXECUTION TIME (LOCAL): 08.03.2021 18:00:00 UTC: 08.03.2021 17:00:00
TASK: 26467 - RE 0 EXECUTION TIME (LOCAL): 09.03.2021 00:00:00 UTC: 08.03.2021 23:00:00
TASK: 27066 - RE 6 EXECUTION TIME (LOCAL): 09.03.2021 06:00:00 UTC: 09.03.2021 05:00:00
TASK: 27068 - Restart 6:00 EXECUTION TIME (LOCAL): 09.03.2021 06:00:00 UTC: 09.03.2021 05:00:00
TASK: 27072 - Restart 6:00 EXECUTION TIME (LOCAL): 09.03.2021 06:00:00 UTC: 09.03.2021 05:00:00
Monitoring service id 99 -
Updated live stats for 99: pid=6784 online=1 players=4 cpu=15.79, memory=5668061184
Monitoring service id 143 -
Updated live stats for 143: pid=1576 online=0 players=0 cpu=2.73, memory=4849324032
Monitoring service id 172 -
Updated live stats for 172: pid=2696 online=1 players=0 cpu=16.57, memory=4692688896
Collecting game stats on Master Hetzner
Saved 5 rows to database. Read time: 0.048s. MySQL time: 0.01s.
Deleted 1 rows from historical stats for
Converted 4 detailed stats rows to 1 historical stats rows for
Deleted 1 rows from historical stats for
Converted 4 detailed stats rows to 1 historical stats rows for
Deleted 1 rows from historical stats for
Converted 4 detailed stats rows to 1 historical stats rows for
08.03.2021 08:05:54 Testing if monitor is responding... Test #1
08.03.2021 08:05:54 Testing if monitor is responding... Test #2
08.03.2021 08:05:54 Testing if monitor is responding... Test #3
08.03.2021 08:05:55 Testing if monitor is responding... Test #4
08.03.2021 08:05:55 Testing if monitor is responding... Test #5
08.03.2021 08:05:55 Testing if monitor is responding... Test #6
08.03.2021 08:05:55 All tests completed successfully.

Strange is that this error occurs since an update and I can not say exactly when. Also it is not possible to edit the name of the server as before.Hope you can help because it sucks that I can't see in TCADMIN exactly which server this is.




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