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Carlos Dorelli

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First considerations
This config wasn't made only by me. The first steps of it came in June of 2019 when I asked for a Broke Protocol config here on the forum and @jungleNZ sent one. Today I've downloaded the config again and made some changes updating it with all the new features of Broke Protocol from nowadays.

This is my first config so sorry if there is any problem on it. If you find something wrong or that can be changed to improve the config just comment below or DM me on Discord (Eldremor#0001).

I would like to thank again @LFA for helping me with the custom scripts part.


  1. (Optional) Download BP-CoreLib.dll > Add the file to the default game server folder (named 'bp' on TCAFiles > Games)
  2. Allow ICMP Pings / Echo Requests on the firewall or the servers will show on the list with 1000ms.


  1. Download the config (at the moment only for Windows)
  2. Go to TCAdmin > System > Settings > Game & Other Voice Servers > Import > Then upload the file you downloaded
  3. Save the config and change anything if you want
  4. Before create a new Broke Protocol server make sure you have all the prerequisites.


  • All possible configuration files (announcements, groups, npc_names, server_info, settings, skins and whitelist)
  • BPEssentials Plugin One Click Installation (If installed, new configuration files will show up - customcommands, localization and settings.json for BPEssentials)
  • Now Server.log is working correctly
  • Web Console (Working with Server.log)
  • Steam Workshop Mods (One Click Install - no need to move the file)
  • Steam Workshop Plugins (Yes, some plugins can be downloaded from the workshop)



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