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Myth of Empires


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Myth of Empires

About This File
Installation Server Config

Simply install it via the plugin repository in TCAdmin (Settings > Plugin Repository > Game Configs > Myth_of_Empires

Please enter your Steam account under Steam settings beforehand.

Download the Serverfiles under Settings --> Game Tools --> Steam Game Downloader --> Myth_of_Empires


Automatic script that copies the server files and deletes the client files. Before the savegame is moved to a temp folder so that it is not deleted. After successful update the savegame is moved back to the correct server folder.
All settings must be made via the command line


- Translate the description of the individual commandline settings. German and English
- The query protocol does not seem to work yet

General notes:



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Thank you very much.

I have already found an error when you want to run a server without password. Then unfortunately remains in the Commanline -PrivateServerPassword= and then the server no longer starts

But I have already installed a control box that hides the part if you do not need it.

Update comes tomorrow

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The .exe in C:\TCAFiles\Users\admin\15\MOE\Binaries\Win64 is called "MOE.exe" when the server is created. I had an startup error and had to rename it to MOEServer.exe. Not sure if this is intended or not, but i thought i'd mention it.

Thanks for your work so far, and i believe i finally found a command line that actually killed my eyes with Its 5949 characters 😄

Edited by Sukkerpups
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5 hours ago, Sukkerpups said:

The .exe in C:\TCAFiles\Users\admin\15\MOE\Binaries\Win64 is called "MOE.exe" when the server is created. I had an startup error and had to rename it to MOEServer.exe. Not sure if this is intended or not, but i thought i'd mention it.

Thanks for your work so far, and i believe i finally found a command line that actually killed my eyes with Its 5949 characters 😄

Hmm strange with me the exe calls and so it is also deposited in the Config


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When I do a Steam update it does not download any data:


Initializing Steam...
'ping' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation - version 1637358658
-- type 'quit' to exit --
Loading Steam API...OK
Logging in user to Steam Public...
login "*****" "*****"
@ShutdownOnFailedCommand 1
"@ShutdownOnFailedCommand" = "1"
@NoPromptForPassword *****
"@NoPromptForPassword *****
set_steam_guard_code "NONE"
force_install_dir ""
Redirecting stderr to '\logs\stderr.txt'
[  0%] Checking for available updates...
[----] Verifying installation...
start steamcmd post processing...
saving the customers saved file to "temp/Saved"
removing the recent game files...
Removing Folder: MOE
Removing Folder: ENGINE
move the recent server files in place...
WindowsPrivateServer => 
restoring the customers save game
The process has completed.

The server is also 0.10 version and the new one is 0.11

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30 minutes ago, Jus61 said:

When I do a Steam update it does not download any data:


Initializing Steam...
'ping' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation - version 1637358658
-- type 'quit' to exit --
Loading Steam API...OK
Logging in user to Steam Public...
login "*****" "*****"
@ShutdownOnFailedCommand 1
"@ShutdownOnFailedCommand" = "1"
@NoPromptForPassword *****
"@NoPromptForPassword *****
set_steam_guard_code "NONE"
force_install_dir ""
Redirecting stderr to '\logs\stderr.txt'
[  0%] Checking for available updates...
[----] Verifying installation...
start steamcmd post processing...
saving the customers saved file to "temp/Saved"
removing the recent game files...
Removing Folder: MOE
Removing Folder: ENGINE
move the recent server files in place...
WindowsPrivateServer => 
restoring the customers save game
The process has completed.

The server is also 0.10 version and the new one is 0.11

Have you deposited your Steamaccount ?

You do realize that you must have bought the game, right?


Edited by Gotteshand
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Yes my data are registered!

If I download the data via Games Tool then all data will be downloaded:
Download the Serverfiles under Settings --> Game Tools --> Steam Game Downloader --> Myth_of_Empires

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I have already found the next error. 

On a fresh installation it aborts the install process because the MOE folder does not yet contain the Save folder.

And the script then cancels the move of the server files.

This I also still fix

The update comes in the course of today

Quick solution would be to simply create a save folder on the master system


But this will only take effect when a new server is created

Edited by Gotteshand
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Hey, thanks for the config.

Just a few issues im running into;

1. after following all steps you have noted in the install instructions the game successfully downloads the dedicated files, but upon creating a game service it copies the whole 50gb file to the new create client service.

2. with the new service created it gets a start error, the start error is; Binaries\Win64\MOEServer.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

3. I read your custom script about steam updating to remove the client files, but this cannot be done as the server cannot start to create a saved game so the script wont run.

This is using the Test commandline.

Anything I am doing wrong?

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Update Myth of Empires

Custom Server:
1. Only one custom server tool will pop up when you create one server, which doesn’t affect creating multiple servers.
2. Now your server ID will be randomly generated.
3. Now the server will read your local steam ID and take it as the GM account.

Thank you for the support and understanding! @everyone


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46 minutes ago, wydox said:

Hey, thanks for the config.

Just a few issues im running into;

1. after following all steps you have noted in the install instructions the game successfully downloads the dedicated files, but upon creating a game service it copies the whole 50gb file to the new create client service.

2. with the new service created it gets a start error, the start error is; Binaries\Win64\MOEServer.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

3. I read your custom script about steam updating to remove the client files, but this cannot be done as the server cannot start to create a saved game so the script wont run.

This is using the Test commandline.

Anything I am doing wrong?

Or create the saved folder in the MOE folder on your game server.

Then Steamupdate

Edited by Gotteshand
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Good evening.

The problem with the save folder is fixed and I play the update.

The script creates a save folder if none is present so that the script runs through. 

If there is a save folder, it moves it to the temp folder as before and after a successful update it moves it back to the right place. MOE/Saved

Currently, even SteamCMD makes problems, because sometimes the download is not made completely. But this is something on which I have no influence or I do not even know if it is only with me so 🙂
This error appears but rather rarely and is only random, so not traceable.

Otherwise everything runs now and the update of Myth needed no changes to the variables etc..

The commandline I have also fixed with the server password and there is now only one default commandline

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6 hours ago, KnightHawk201 said:

Figured I'd drop this here for you now as to help you further your current setup. The app ID that can be used can be 1794810 under the "Steam Settings" section. That ID will download only the server files. Hope this helps!

Great work!


Yes thank you was also ne shit work ^^

Thanks for the Steam ID. I rebuild that then and the script can go out. Is no longer needed. I run then comes the next update

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