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The way the update utility works is fairly simple. Most people are familiar with creating an update.bat file which basically contains the commands to run the hldsupdatetool. Something like this.




C:\GameInstalls\CSS\hldsupdatetool -command update -game "Counter-Strike Source" -dir C:\GameInstalls\CSS -username xxxxx -password xxxxx




Put that in a batch file and save it to you CSS install directory. Then run the update generator in TCAdmin. Point the first line to the update.bat file and point the second line to the C:\GameInstalls\CSS folder. The update.bat file updates the game files in the CSS folder and the updategenerator tool checks the files that are changed or added. Once the HLDSUpdateTool finishes, the updategenerator will prompt you to zip the changed and added files. With this zip file you can publish it and patch all your servers. So it is one download vs. many if you have a lot of CSS servers. This also allows you to manually update say one server as a test (since we all know Valve pushes some bad updates from time to time). Simplt take the zip file and unzip it to 1 of your CSS server and try it. Once you have verified it is ok, then you can publish the patch in the panel and do all the servers at once, or allow you clients to do it as well.



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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...

Can anyone point me in the right direction for showing overall server stats on your website. Something like.




No of Servers ....


No of Players online...


No of Slots available...




But this is to show all the servers a GSH has.




Apologies if this has already been said. I checked http://www.greycube.net/ but wasn't really what I was after.





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Yeah i wouldn't mind it showing a client each of their servers in limited detail when they login but I'm mainly after haveing the total servers and users online.




Would be really great if you dont mind letting me have a look at that adjusted code for just totals when you put it together please. I'm not great at coding so any help would be appreciated.





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Well it already includes the totals at the bottom of the output...so, you just look at it in an editor and take out anywhere where it actually ouputs something (like in the table) and then you end up with just like 2 lines out output, so you can include the file in php. Once I get it done I'll make sure to post it.

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Request Modification Player Graphs:




Is it possible to have one graph for the whole system performance? This Graph only has to be really small and not even very detailed, just a small image which updates from time to time with the image.






Best Regards


Maximilian v. Manndorff

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