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Team Fortress 2 config for TcAdmin


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I have noticed when using that generic server configuration, a lot of commands are "not known". I looked into it and it seems that TF2 has made some changes with cvars used in game, only natural with an entirely new game, different from the rest. I ran a 'cvarlist' in rcon, copied all the new existing server variables, picked out the ones important for server configuration and created a working server.cfg with all the variables for TF2.


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  • 2 months later...

I hope someone can help me on this...


Ive used the script provided in this thread (the latter script ) but just keep getting the following message when trying to create a sever...


An error occurred while creating the game server: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.


The failure email I get through says


Could not copy game server files from ftp: /Games/TF2 to C:\Userfiles\clientname\GameServers\TC23330606432825816818044


Its vexing me, and I wondered if anyone had any ideas.



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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

it seems like since the update with steam i cannot get my Team Fortress 2 to work. it says that it is started on the interface but the server is not online. i tried looking in the logs but don't seem to see the issue. It is the same problem with Garrysmod. did steam do something since its update to change the interface?

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Did you update your game files using STEAM or the hldsupdatetool.exe. I have seen a lot of clients installing STEAM on the server and installing game files that way instead of using the hldsupdatetool.exe. You should be using the hldsupdatetool.exe to get server files.

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I do not believe in complete automation so no I do not have it setup. I don't find it all that time consuming to have to go in and type in the username/password and choose a game. Not sure why some people are absolutely dead set on this part to be honest with you. Also while I am setting it up I check for fraud.

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I am sure everyone's server.cfg for TF2 is different. Here is a basic one that works fine.


// server name

hostname "%hostname%"


// rcon passsword

rcon_password "%rconpassword%"


// Server password

sv_password "%privatepassword%"


// server cvars

sv_pure 1

sv_pure_kick_clients 0 //If set to 1, the server will kick clients with mismatching files.

mp_friendlyfire 0

mp_footsteps 1

mp_flashlight 0

mp_forcecamera 0

sv_pausable 0

sv_cheats 0

sv_consistency 1

sv_maxspeed 320

mp_chattime 10

sv_timeout 65

//Enable timers to wait between rounds.

mp_enableroundwaittime 0

//Time after round win until round restarts


//If non-zero, the current round will restart in the specified number of seconds

mp_restartround 0


//download cvars

sv_allowupload 1

sv_allowdownload 1

net_maxfilesize 15 // Max download file size. Default is 15

sv_downloadurl "" //redirect download location


// round specific cvars

mp_fraglimit 0

mp_maxrounds 2

mp_winlimit 2 // Max number of rounds one team can win before server changes maps

mp_stalemate_timelimit 300 //Timelimit (in seconds) of the stalemate round


// bandwidth rates/settings

sv_minrate 0

sv_maxrate 20000

decalfrequency 10

sv_maxupdaterate 66

sv_minupdaterate 10


// player specific cvars

mp_idlemaxtime 10//Maximum time a player is allowed to be idle (in minutes)

//Teams are unbalanced when one team has this many more players than the (0 disables)

mp_teams_unbalance_limit 2

mp_autoteambalance 1

mp_autoteambalance_delay 60 //Time after the teams become unbalanced to attempt to switch players

mp_autoteambalance_warning_delay 30 //Time after the teams become unbalanced to print a balance warning

mp_allowspectators 1


// in game voice

sv_alltalk 0


// server logging

sv_logbans 1

sv_logecho 1

sv_logfile 1

sv_log_onefile 0


// operation

sv_lan 0

sv_region 255


// execute ban files

exec banned_user.cfg

exec banned_ip.cfg

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, this is a lot more complicated than I expected, but I am sure I am just ramping up the learning curve. So I have been trying to install TF2, which is not part of the standard installation. Is this script some kind of automation for the "supported game/create new"? I could use some help with this. I am not sure what to do with this file at all. I did install tf2 into c:\gameinstalls\tf2 and I tried to step through creating a game in the "supported game/create new" following the example of cstrike. But, I must have something wrong.

If this script does automate that process, how do you import it? I assume I have to grab some default config files as well (server.cfg etc)

Thanks, kp

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