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Does TC admin support the following....


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The biggie I am seeing on 64bit, is Database ODBC drivers...




I only have MSSQL drivers installed on my 2003 64bit, and myodbc wont install, and they are "working on it in coming months" over at MySQL... I dont even see an odbc driver for MS Access

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I didn't know they didn't have 64bit odbc drivers for MySQL :shock:




TCAdmin supports the .net connector for mysql which should work in 32bit and 64bit Windows, but the configuration utility doesn't have the option to configure it yet. I'll try to add it in the next update.

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Well, there's an ODBC connector from OpenLinksw.com, but it costs money, but it atleast installs... It wont work with a 4.1 server, so I am having to roll back to 4.0 right now to test. I hope the next update comes out soon, as all my servers are 64bit installs now, and this is a big problem.

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Extract this file to you Monitor folder:






and this file to your installation folder:






run the configuration utility and set the MySQL connection type to .NET Drivers.




Great! I have the Master up and running now. Just have to get everything setup now. Thanks LFA, you are such a stud.

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