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UT3 cfg


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2 issues,


Query port tried at 6500 however TCADMIn still unable to query. I will try set it in the config as posted above.


For patch 1


Anyone know how to extract it into an empty folder to so we can mass distribute to every server runnin ut3. Currenty the only way to install it is to direct to to the install game folder for every server



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According to this: http://wiki.unrealadmin.org/UT3_query_protocol It is possible to set the query port using the config. Anyone done this yet?



Tried setting QueryPort=6500 in the .ini and via startup command line. Still not querying, setting gamecompatability blank is the only sad way to do this. HLSW does not query also. Checking the logs it uses random ports for query 6500 and above. Server is running stable tho on idle which is what they promised in patch 1. Other than the issue when adding mutators pops your cup to 5% on idle gameplay is pretty smooth.

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Yes I see that, weird,, our command line is identical, we have query set to 6500 but still not quering.


server DM-Arsenal?game=UTGame.UTDeathmatch?GameMode=0?bShoul dAdvertise=True?bIsDedicated=True?MaxPlayers=10?NumPublicConnections=10?NumOpenPublicConnections=10? -multihome= -port 7777 -log=XPGamelog.log -queryport=6500 -nohomedir -unattended mutator=CustomUTv1a.UTMutator_CustomUTv1a

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This is the exact line we are running on that server in the demo panel.


\Binaries\UT3.exe server DM-Arsenal?game=UTGame.UTDeathmatch?GameMode=0?bShoul dAdvertise=True?bIsDedicated=True?MaxPlayers=16?NumPublicConnections=16?NumOpenPublicConnections=16? -multihome=xx.xx.xx.xx -port 7777 -login=<login> -password=<password> -log=GameServers.log -queryport=6500 -nohomedir -unattended

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Game compatibility is Gamespy 4. And you must be running the latest version of TCAdmin which you may not have access to because it is in beta.



our version is Version 1.0.2874.31267


Can you pls confirm the query does not work on our version so I can have some rest.



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works great now thanks.


now only if I can get the custom cmd line to actually input the values into the command line instead of using the overide command line option to run mutators.


not sure if anyone got this to work yet but I used the same settings as UT Goty


Command: ?mutator

Equal sign: =

Deny Characters:

Description: Startup Mutators

Order: 3




user access

user can set value

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UT3 servername won't display, only loginname. I have a server correct running on Linux. I'm now trying to migrate them to Windows but the servername won't display correctly. I've used both configs published in this threath, but non resolves this. I've also tried the startup from my linux server with the ini's but it just won't work. The login name is displaying in the serverbrowser, not the servername which is set in the ini's


Would someone please be so kind to publish a starting-line combined with the ini's you use. I would be greatfull.

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