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Request C&C Renegade


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lol thanks but I have it ...




My customer gived me the official login




Here the config file




But the tcadmin query don't work, did you know the query port ?




<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>


















































; This file contains the default gameplay settings.




; Most of the settings below can be changed while the game is in progress and


; the changed settings will take effect the next time the map cycles.








ConfigName=Default C&C Server Settings






; The name of the server as it appears in the lobby list. This has a limit of


; 25 characters in GameSpy mode.




bGameTitle = %hostname%






; This is the Message of the day. Any text placed here will show in a pop-up


; dialog box on the screen of any player joining the game.










; Set ModName to load a custom MOD package. All clients who join the server


; will need to have the MOD package also.




; ModName=ModTest.pkg










; If DoMapsLoop is set then the map cycle will start again from the beginning


; once all maps have been played.










; The time limit for each game.










; Radar mode.




; 0 = No radar.


; 1 = Show only friendly units on the radar.


; 2 = Show all units on the radar.










; Allows the server to automatically restart after a connection loss, system


; failure, or crash. To restart after a system failure, Windows must be set to


; automatically log in.


; Enabling auto restart also allows automatic unattended updating if a patch


; becomes available (Westwood Online mode only).










; Set to yes to make a passworded game.










; The password required for players to join the game.










; Allow players to join this server when they select 'Quick Match' (Westwood


; Online mode only).










; Should this server be laddered? A laddered server reports game game results


; and statistics to the Westwood Online ladder system at the end of each game.










; Team remixing causes teams to be re-balanced at the beginning of every map.


; Disabling RemixTeams can cause a game to become unbalanced over time as


; players drop in and out.










; Allows buildings to be repaired. Turning this off will result in much


; shorter games.










; This setting effects whether a vehicle driver also controls the vehicles gun.


; Disabling this will allow vehicle passengers to control the gun. Most players


; seem to prefer this setting on.










; Enabling weapon spawning will cause extra weapons to be available for pickup


; at various locations in the map.










; Enable this to allow friendly units to damage each other. Friendly fire games


; are generally more open to abuse by 'grief' players.










; This allows players in the game to change teams at will.










; Set this to 'yes' to allow clans to play in this server (Westwood Online mode


; only). Only two clans can play in a server at once.










; The maximum number of players allowed in a game. Generally this should be set


; to an even number to avoid unbalanced teams. Maximum number of players is 127.




MaxPlayers = %slots%






; Setting this causes the game to end when all the buildings belonging to a


; team are destroyed.










; This enables winning the game by placing a superweapon beacon on the enemy


; teams pedestal.










; The number of credits each player gets when they join the game.










; This is the name of the first map in the map cycle.










; The map cycle. This is the order that maps will be played. There must be at


; least one map in the list.


























<DESCRIPTION>Data server config file</DESCRIPTION>


















; Server Settings .INI file for Renegade Free Dedicated Server.




; This file controls the behavior of a Renegade Free Dedicated Server. The


; first instance of the server is referred to as the Master Server and it can


; control up to seven other local instances of the server. These are referred


; to as Slave Servers.




; Each slave server must have it's own login information and serial number.


; Each slave server can have it's own game settings, seperate from the master.








; ============================================================ ================


; ============================================================ ================




; This section of the file is generated automatically - do not edit




; Available Westwood Servers:




; Pacific Server


; European Server


; USA Server




; End generated section.




; ============================================================ ================


; ============================================================ ================








; Renegade Master Server settings.




; This section contains the settings for the Master Renegade Server.








; Config =




; This specifies the location of the game settings file used by the master


; server. You can change this to point to any Renegade server settings .ini


; file or change the default .ini file to reflect the game settings you would


; like for your server.




Config = svrcfg_cnc.ini






; GameType =




; Set this to WOL for a Westwood Online dedicated server.


; Set this to GameSpy for a GameSpy mode dedicated server.


; Set this to LAN for a LAN mode dedicated server.






GameType = WOL






; Nickname =




; This is the Westwood Online nickname you will use when logging into the


; Westwood Online matchmaking system. You can use a nickname from a previous


; Westwood Studios game or apply for a new one by copying the following line


; and pasting it into your web browsers address window




; http://register.westwood.com




Nickname = WESTWOOD








; Password =




; This is the password that matches the nickname used above.




Password = WESTWOOD






; Serial =




; The serial number that you specified when installing the Renegade Dedicated


; Server.








; LoginServer =




; This field can be used to specify the Westwood Online matchmaking server


; to connect to. If left blank, the Renegade Server will connect to the


; closest matchmaking server. To specify a server to connect to, use one of


; the names listed above in the section 'Available Westwood Servers'.




LoginServer = European Server






; Port =




; This is the UDP port that the Renegade Dedicated Server will use to


; communicate with game clients. This should normally be left at 0 and the


; Server will decide for itself what port to use. This should work with most


; firewalls and NAT connections but, if you need to manually set a port, you


; can do it here.




Port = %queryport%






; GameSpyGamePort =




; This is the UDP port that the Renegade Dedicated Server will use to


; communicate with game clients, while running as a GameSpy Server. When running


; as a GameSpy server this port value will be used instead of the above Port value.


; The default value is 4848.




GameSpyGamePort = 0






; GameSpyQueryPort =




; This is the UDP port that the Renegade Dedicated Server will use to


; communicate with the GameSpy Master Server and GameSpy clients. The default


; value is 25300. If this port is in use Renegade will find another port


; to use instead(25301, 25302, ...).




GameSpyQueryPort = 0






; BandwidthUp =




; If you know how much bandwidth you want to allocate for the Renegade


; Server to use then you can specify it here. A minimum of 60k bits per second


; is recommended for each client you plan to connect to. If you leave this


; value as 0 (the default) then the available bandwidth will be automatically


; detected(WOL only). Some guidelines follow.




; Set to 1500000 for a 32 player game


; Set to 750000 for a 16 player game


; Set to 250000 for an 8 player game




; Make sure you don't set the Bandwidth number to be higher than your


; actual available bandwidth or gameplay performance will be poor.




BandwidthUp = 256000




; NetUpdateRate =




; Set this to control the frequency of network updates sent to clients. This


; is the number of updates sent per second. Higher values increase network


; traffic, lower values decrease traffic. Valid values must be in the 5 - 30


; range. As you increase NetUpdateRate the values set for BandwidthUp must


; also scale accordingly. The default is 10.




NetUpdateRate = 10






; AllowRemoteAdmin =




; Set this to true to enable remote server administration via the RenRem


; tool. You must also set a password for remote administration to be


; allowed.


; Slave servers inherit this setting from the master.




AllowRemoteAdmin = true






; RemoteAdminPassword =




; This is the password required to connect to a server with the RenRem


; admin too.


; Slave servers inherit this setting from the master.




RemoteAdminPassword =%rconpassword%






; RemoteAdminIp =




; This is the ip that the remote administration service will listen for


; incoming request on. The default is to listen on ALL ip addresses. If


; you have an internal ip address and only want to administer internally


; set this to your internal ip address.






RemoteAdminIP =






; RemoteAdminPort =




; The port to connect to for remote administration.


; This can be set per slave. The default slave ports will be shown when


; connecting to the master with the RenRem tool.




RemoteAdminPort =%rconport%








; Renegade Slave Server settings.




; These sections contain the settings for the Renegade Slave Servers. Each


; additional server you want to run can be configured seperately by modifying


; the corresponding section below.




; The settings for a slave server are the same as for a master with the


; exception of the 'enable' flag. Setting Enable = 1 will enable the given


; Slave Server. The Slave Server will start automatically at the same time


; as the Master Renegade Server.




; Each Slave Server must have it's own login name, password & serial number.






Enable = 0


Config = svrcfg_cnc.ini


Nickname =


Password =


BandwidthUp = 0


Serial =


Port = 0


RemoteAdminPort =






Enable = 0


Config = svrcfg_cnc.ini


Nickname =


Password =


BandwidthUp = 0


Serial =


Port = 0


RemoteAdminPort =






Enable = 0


Config = svrcfg_cnc.ini


Nickname =


Password =


BandwidthUp = 0


Serial =


Port = 0


RemoteAdminPort =






Enable = 0


Config = svrcfg_cnc.ini


Nickname =


Password =


BandwidthUp = 0


Serial =


Port = 0


RemoteAdminPort =






Enable = 0


Config = svrcfg_cnc.ini


Nickname =


Password =


BandwidthUp = 0


Serial =


Port = 0


RemoteAdminPort =






Enable = 0


Config = svrcfg_cnc.ini


Nickname =


Password =


BandwidthUp = 0


Serial =


Port = 0


RemoteAdminPort =






Enable = 0


Config = svrcfg_cnc.ini


Nickname =


Password =


BandwidthUp = 0


Serial =


Port = 0


RemoteAdminPort =</CONTENTS>


<DESCRIPTION>server config file</DESCRIPTION>















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for the query to work you have to enable gamespy in server.ini with the following values:




GameType = GameSpy


Port = 4848


GameSpyGamePort = 4848


GameSpyQueryPort = 25300




There is another problem. Renegadeserver.exe launches a different process named server.dat. With the current version, when you stop the service it only stops Renegadeserver.exe so the server is left running. :mad: I'll try to get this fixed in the next update.

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<table border="0" align="center" width="90%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td class="SmallText">ChrisOlver wrote on Sun, 21 August 2005 14:18</td></tr><tr><td class="quote">

Oooo do you already host them? Stupid question but how did you get a serial for the servers?













You need a serial from EA Games (Westwood) and now they stopped handing them out.

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