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Star Wars Republic Commando


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The game runs in console with the same command line as most Rcon based games. COD, COD4, MOHAA, etc... TCA runs it just fine. ;)


Vet >> Shoulda just went to Target or Wally world and grabbed the best of 5 pack, all the games in one DVD. Republic commando, JK2, JKO, battlefront and the likes. I grabbed it for 29.99

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I see it runs on the UT engine. I already own Battlefront II, JKJO and JKJA HIS-Mother but I would not mind having the original Battlefront to add to my game list. Also I am probably going to pick up a copy of Grand Theft Auto and play around with that one.

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I did not find any server config or command line options that allow the admin to specify the IP so I have it bound to the main server IP. The map rotation is at the bottom of the server.ini and needs to be configured.


I created a server and it queries via TCAdmin and Qtracker but did not get a chance to join the server since I am at work.


Here is a resource for the command line (I could not get the command line for max players to work so I added it to the server.ini and it works fine):




Creating a command line for a SWRC Dedicated Server


The basic command-line for a Republic Commando dedicated server looks like

the following:


SWRepublicCommando.exe <map>?game=<gametype>[?MapListType=<MapListType>?<maplist>][?option1[?option2...]] -server


In other words, the type of game and various other settings are specified

in a long command sequence, where options are separated out by question

mark symbols ('?').


Let's examine each of the possible options.


Required Info




The -server flag must appear at the end of the command-line.



The first map in the map rotation (or, perhaps, the only map) is specified

at the beginning of the command-line, immediately following the executable



Deathmatch and team deathmatch maps are found in the Maps subdirectory and

begin with the three characters 'dm_'. Capture the Flag and Assault maps

begin with the four characters 'ctf_'. The type of map should match the

game type specified on the command-line.



Game types are as follows:



Death Match game. Maps should begin with 'dm_'.



Team Death Match game. Maps should begin with 'dm_'.



Capture the Flag game. Maps should begin with 'ctf_'.



Assault game. Maps should begin with 'ctf_'.


So, to start a dedicated server with a single map in Death Match mode,

the command line would be:


SWRepublicCommando.exe dm_canyon.ctm?game=mpgame.dmgame -server


Additional Options: Map Lists & Maps


Specifying a map list type and maps (to allow map cycling) involves

adding some additional information to the command-line. This information

must include a map list type and a series of maps.



Death match map list specified. Game type should be mpgame.dmgame.

All maps should begin with 'dm_'.



Team death match map list specified. Game type should be

mpgame.tdgame. All maps should begin with 'dm_'.



Capture the Flag map list specified. Game type should be

mpgame.ctfgame. All maps should begin with 'ctf_'.



Assault map list specified. Game type should be mpgame.asgame.

All maps should begin with 'ctf_'.


Specifying an additional map into the rotation is done with the format:




So, for example, to specify a map rotation with two maps, in death match

mode, the command-line would look like so:


SWRepublicCommando.exe dm_canyon.ctm?game=mpgame.dmgame?MapListType=MPGam e.MapListDeathMatch?maps+=dm_canyon?maps+=dm_deten tion -server


Additional Options: Time & Score Limits


Specifying a time limit, in minutes, is done by adding the option




Where <time> is a non-negative integer (0 means unlimited). If 0 is set,

the game will run until a set number of scores is reached by any player

(or team, in team games).


Specifying a score limit is done by adding the option




Where <score> is a non-negative integer (0 means unlimited). If 0 is set,

the game will run until time runs out. In team games, a match will not end

at the time limit unless one team has achieved a higher score than the



Additional Options: Assault Games



Setting the number of assault rounds per map:




where <rounds> is a positive integer.


Setting the time per round




where <time> is the positive number of minutes in the round.


Additional Options: Miscellaneous


Setting the maximum number of players:




specifies a maximum number of players. Dedicated servers support games of

up to 16 players. Numbers larger than 16 are not supported, but can be



Setting the respawn delay:




<time> is the number of seconds before a killed player will respawn.


Setting the game speed:




<fraction> indicates the speed of the game. The menu supports speeds of

.75, 1.0, or 1.25, though other positive values are possible.


Setting whether dropped weapons stay:


?WeaponStay=<true or false>


Setting WeaponStay as true means that weapons will stay in the world when

dropped. False indicates that they will vanish after a short period of



Setting Team Autobalancing:


?BalanceTeams=<true or false>


Setting BalanceTeams to true will cause teams to autobalance between map

rotations. False will turn this feature off.


Setting Friendly Fire scaling:


?FF=<ff scale>


Friendly fire can be scaled to a non-negative floating point value. If <ff

scale> is set to 0.0, no friendly fire will be dealt. If set to 1.0, full

damage will be dealt to team mates by other team mates.

Star Wars Republic Commando.txt

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  • 2 weeks later...
I bought the game, uploaded it to the server and used the above config and it works fine. I went in-game to test it and all was well.


I've been running Republic Commando fine on TCAdmin. The problem I've always had was trying to get more then one instance running at a time. It seems to like the main ip and no other. I've tried multiple instances on the same ip but different ports also. Has anyone successfully ran more then one instance on the same machine?

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It binds to the primary IP so you have to use that one. It should increment ports on that IP address with my config.


I went ahead and tried this config. I get the same result as the other I was using. If you create 2 or more instances on the same server, only 1, if any, will accept client connections, although they all appear to be running. Have you actually ran and logged in to more then 1 instance on the same machine?

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Share on other sites -> Vetwebhosting 2 Server -> Query Port 11138 -> Vetwebhosting 1 Server -> Query Port 11139


I will leave these up for 24 hrs so you can test it. I joined both servers and they were fine. You NEED to use the primary IP and let TCAdmin increment ports. If you try to put 2 servers on different IPs and the stock port of 7777 they will compete for this port and only 1 will work or neither will.

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