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Windows Server 2008


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Now i know the subject of "oh i cant get this working etc" on server2k8 has been covered many a time.


But this tread is intended to find out a little more about the plans TCAdmin have for server2k8. Its come through as of today i can use server2k8 with my microsoft spla agreement. And was just interested to find out, if and any idea when a available download will be around or thought about for server2k8.


Just so i can pre plan in advance :)

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Yes, it does not work as of this moment without some form of fiddling somewhere. I know there is a thread in the forums about it. A quick forum search should find it.


Make sure that you install asp.net 1.1 and the SP1 for it on the Win2k8 box. I don't think it comes installed by default. You can find links here under Master Server Install.



Then once TCAdmin is installed goto C:\Program Files\TCAdmin Control Panel and run the file called enable_asp_net.bat if the website refuses to display.

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I don't feel it will be :} I honestly still have sunos 5.5.1 running on some hardware, and even a linux rh4.2 box running around, as long as it fits the task and runs fine there isn't an essential need to upgrade, which means you can wait until its ready, or until the time fits you right.


Good luck in the new venture bud! Hope all goes well dfinately!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Considering most charge anywhere from $25-$35/mo for Windows 2003 I don't really see the point here. Just the cost of doing business.


Don't take this as an insult to Softlayer, which I had a feeling this thread was going to be interpreted as by the Softlayer faithful. Just that the price of Windows Server 2008 will prevent people from choosing it when they can get Windows Server 2003 for free.

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Their 2008 web edition is still included, but I have not checked on MS's licensing to see if game servers or TCAdmin would be allowed. And it is not just SL that is charging extra for 2008. Due to MS's pricing for it, hosts MUST charge extra for it or raise their prices to cover the licensing fees.

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TCAdmin can be run on it since it is actualy a web app. As for other applications you would need to read the license agreement. I would assume it will be the same as 2003 web edition.


Stick with 2003 for now and eventually MS will drop the pricing when sales are slacking.

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Many companies are upset that MS will stop selling XP in June. There are major petitions circulating the net about it.


Many companies do not want to have to upgrade their hardware to handle XP's load.

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Many companies are upset that MS will stop selling XP in June. There are major petitions circulating the net about it.


Many companies do not want to have to upgrade their hardware to handle XP's load.


I hope Vista is a wake up call for MS. People don't want to upgrade OS's every 3 yrs just for the sake of upgrading. Also, peripheral hardware companies don't want to have 10 different set of drivers for their products. If MS didn't strong arm the OEM companies into installing Vista on all new machines that OS would be barely off of the ground by now.

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  • 2 months later...

Update on windows server 2008 and TCAdmin


1. Interact with desktop is a no go and that is a major pain when trouble shooting game servers.

2. The CPU affinity does not work

3. It has major issues with AA servers, causing them to crash every few hours.

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  • 4 weeks later...
But what about "interact with desktop" option ? It was supposed to be an issue with it, right ?



From what I have been reading Microsoft has stopped that in 2008. They now have a new way of doing it to keep a possible hole closed. If you have to run a service under an admin username and password you will not see it in 2008. Even with "interact with desktop" clicked. For GSP's the old way was better I think. This new way it is slower and you can't minimize the ones you don't want to see. Our servers are setup like this link now and our next server will be 2003.



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