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Day of Defeat: Source Beta config

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The Beta update did not alter anything that would effect a regular DODS TCA config. I beleive that came preloaded in TCA.


This is the changelog:


Achievements are now all stored locally as well for offline achievement dialog

Fixed view model lag being jittery

Fixed some viewmodels occasionally skipping their fire animations

Fixed quickswitch exploit

Fixed some overlays being too transparent

Fixed a case where an enemy player could be credited for an area capture

Playtime statistic now records time spent as class, not time alive as a particular class

Upload stats when we join spectator, change class and on changelevel

Fixed crash with ai_test_los console command

Adjusted global bloom scale

New nemesis icon

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  • 3 weeks later...

thanks for the help guys




still having problems with this config. The service install fine and TCAdmin says the game is running, but when i come to look for it in HLSW it says it is down.


I have looked in the user files directory and have spotted what may be the cause, but i dont know how to fix it.


Short version of it is all the game files get installed to this directory:




but the default server.cfg file that TCAdmin adds gets intsalled to



now as this file is always being installed here, I wonder if TCAdmin is trying to start the game inside the dodsbeta folder instead of the dods folder (where all the actual game files and folders are located)


I havent submitted a support ticket as it is a beta config and wondered whether they would tell me to come here and find out first.


I can provide screenshots if required.


Any Help would be greatly welcome


Chris Webster


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DODS does run out of DOD folder, DODSBeta which is what was asked for runs out of DODSBETA.

DODSBETA is no longer available, so unless you have the old beta files saved thus config is useless without editing as it is for running dodsbeta.

The game needs to be changed to dod, and the directory structure changed to utilize the dod folder not dodsbeta.

In txt format a find and replace with these two terms could most likely fix the config. Once uploaded you would need to look at all settings for dodsbeta and change it whe ever you can find it.

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Hey guys,


I'm having trouble getting a server to start with my original config. Just to be clear, Studeggle, should I use the beta config found in this thread, and simply replace all text that says dodsbeta with dod? I tried this and couldnt get it to work. Let me know if I misunderstood your explaination.







Nvm, I had changed the text to dods instead of dod! Thanks for your posts!



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