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Fraud customer ALERT


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You can take any amount to small claims court. UNDER $5000.


Waste of time and money. You will spend more to get your $250...then you gotta sue to get the rest of the court fees..lol Cut the losses and write it off on your taxes.

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You can take any amount to small claims court. UNDER $5000.


Waste of time and money. You will spend more to get your $250...then you gotta sue to get the rest of the court fees..lol Cust the losses and wrtie it off on your taxes.


FYI Small claims in IL is up to 10k ;)

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Looks like he got us for the most.


Dedicated Server

Several Game Servers over the course of two months

Custom Website Design


Over $600


Luckily once the dedi order came in, as well as the site design, I paused deployment, and told my designer to pause things until I could verify some things with him. Sure enough just a few days later the charge backs rolled in. Refunded the dedi, will be fighting the rest.


We have ample proof to show the lack of legitimacy in his claim, so I don't foresee any issues. I guess he will have to learn the hard way that you can't get away with crime just because you are behind your computer.

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Was just reading over some of the posts, I actually have had much better success winning charge backs, I would be curious to hear some of you guys methods in fighting them that are resulting in such negative results


Also paypal has considerably stepped up their charge back defense. We have won probably 90% of all charge backs in the last year. However please keep in mind we are selective on which ones we choose to fight, and of course only choose those that we see as lacking legitimacy.


Anyways it actually is worth filing small claims court in my opinion in the event a charge back is lost and you are sure it is fraudulent. The threat alone is usually enough to get the fraudsters to pay it back.

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Pending good news on this situation.



Status: Being Reviewed By PayPal


Details: This chargeback is the result of a processing error. We are resolving this situation with the credit card company. No further action is required by you at this time. We apologize for any inconvenience.

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Unless they forgot to add those 3 words at the end of the sentence, "at this time"


So it woul read....


Status: Case Closed


We have completed our investigation. This matter has been resolved and no funds were debited from your account for this chargeback at this time. ;)

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We had a chargeback that we won, and the customer then attempted a second chargeback and won! Go figure...


The credit processors and card holding banks could care less about the merchant. They make very little off us compared to the $$$ they make off the card holders.


Example: The rough current rate for processing cards is anywhere from 1.5-2.5% + a transaction fee of $.10 to .$25 per transaction.


However the client pays anywhere from 5% to 29% on their balance. So you do the math and tell me who the card companies and banks are looking out for...


At any rate, good deal Rich. Glad to see you won one for the good guys :)

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Hey this is the thread I was looking for, unfortunately found it after I already started a new topic. We were also returned our funds, but got a completely different message, which is weird.


Anyways glad paypal is actually pro actively fighting these ridiculous charge backs, even had an account rep assigned to us personally to take care of things.

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I really don't believe this guy had any idea what he was getting into. I spoke to him on the phone after getting the dispute and gathered from how he acted that he was under the impression paypal would simply return the money and nothing more would be done..


I'll bet he's having a bad day about right now :)



Glad to see you reclaimed the funds too Brad! Cheers!

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When I posted this...

I have had PayPal side with us on a CC chargeback, then 3 months later recind our win because the CC company took the funds from PayPal.




This is the same MO that happened the last time when paypal took back the returned funds a few months later. Just a heads up, don't spend it..:(


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Chargebacks for online sales is nothing new. Retail stores not only have to deal with CC fraud they have to deal with shop lifting and employee theft.


The amount of money I lose for chargebacks on server rentals is nothing compared to the cost of the merchandise that walks out of my store each year. It is just a part of doing business. The only good thing, it’s a Tax write off.

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Chargebacks for online sales is nothing new. Retail stores not only have to deal with CC fraud they have to deal with shop lifting and employee theft.


The amount of money I lose for chargebacks on server rentals is nothing compared to the cost of the merchandise that walks out of my store each year. It is just a part of doing business. The only good thing, it’s a Tax write off.

Too bad my clothing business was under the table, so I couldn't write them off in my taxes, ive lost so much money from this bull shit.

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Too bad my clothing business was under the table, so I couldn't write them off in my taxes, ive lost so much money from this bull shit.


Yeah, too bad you can't write off the fraud because your commiting tax fraud! LOL



"Hypocrisy (or the state of being a hypocrite) is the act of preaching a certain belief or way of life, but not, in fact, holding these same virtues oneself."



"In the broadest sense, a fraud is a deception made for personal gain. The specific legal definition varies by legal jurisdiction. Fraud is a crime."




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Yeah, too bad you can't write off the fraud because your commiting tax fraud! LOL



"Hypocrisy (or the state of being a hypocrite) is the act of preaching a certain belief or way of life, but not, in fact, holding these same virtues oneself."




I think the 17% the government gets from my regular job is well more than enough they need to have to pay cops to harass me, thank you very much.


Taxes are dumb. They were needed before, but they are not needed now.


Taxes pay for what? Safer neighborhoods? Why dont you fly out here, ill drive you my neighborhood, ill show you how "safe" it is. Maybe ill drop you off at any block in Oakland or Richmond, you tell me how good Taxes for fixing streets and hiring cops and "safer" neighborhoods are then.


Taxes pay for what again? Better schools? Fly out here again, we can stop by my schools, where we couldn't afford books and had to take a week to finish one home work assignment because we had to switch books between students so they all could complete it.


Taxes pay for what? Bridges? Then what is this $4 fee I pay for everytime I cross the damn bridge? Oh yeah to feed the town, which is doing what with the money? No one knows... my neighbor city Vallejo has 2 bridges, and filed for bankruptcy, and has a Six Flags park in it. Where does the money go?


Taxes pay for what? Hospitals and health? Then what the fuck is this $108 I have to pay each month just for health insurance? I dont even have dental insurance at the moment.


Fuck taxes, they do nothing. You show me one GOOD thing that Taxes are for.


We spend billions of dollars, and give billions of dollars of taxes a year on Wars, and other shit, but the war is here. America has more murders a year than Iraq ever had. But we are fixing them! Ignoring the problem here.


Oakland and Richmond are worse than any city over seas, but lets close our eyes on that, and act like everything is fine and dandy.


So when Oakland has 380,000 population and reachs 200 murders and 500 rapes this year, I wonder how long America will close their eyes on that? But its ok, im "dodging" taxes because taxes make sense, right? Fuck taxes.

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LOL, can I pick him up and drop him in Iraq or Packistan :) I know a lovely little village without clean water that I'm sure would be a 5 star hotel for him :D love to here people complain that the grass is greener on the other side. But the funny thing is I've never heard that from a soldier who's been over there ;) not saying war is right or wrong as I certianly have some problems with it, but at least I went over there and spent time serving, and I don't break the law to protest the things I think are wrong.

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LOL, can I pick him up and drop him in Iraq or Packistan :) I know a lovely little village without clean water that I'm sure would be a 5 star hotel for him :D love to here people complain that the grass is greener on the other side. But the funny thing is I've never heard that from a soldier who's been over there ;) not saying war is right or wrong as I certianly have some problems with it, but at least I went over there and spent time serving, and I don't break the law to protest the things I think are wrong.



People here join the army because Iraq is safer and the chances of being shot there are insanely lower than where I live. I personally know a few who have joined the army and are being trained right now just for this reason.


In Richmond, theres a 1 in 800 chance you will be murdered every day, all day, any day. Thats not very good odds. Not SHOT at, but MURDERED.


People who think Iraq is worse are just people who watch TV and dont experience poverty and crime first hand from day to day. Bay Area has insane poverty and homeless rate than any where else. San Francisco alone has over 10x more homeless people than New York City but 7.2 million less people. Think about that for a second. Let it soak in your head.


So what are the taxes paying for?


edit: I also admitted I pay taxes, but the clothing was a side hustle to help pay for bills.


edit#2: All you people who disagree, I guess you hate yourself and you yourself are hypocrites, do you pay Taxes when you have a yard sale? Do you give yourself a ticket when you jay-walk? Or when you roll a stop sign? Because a criminal, is a criminal, is a criminal, right his-mother? You stupid criminal.

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