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How easy to install


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How east is this to install and setup? I have awindows box lying doing nothing, standrd install nothing on it, can this be installed straight onto the box without hassle and used?

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Installation should take you about 10 minutes to get TCAdmin installed to you server. However you will need game hosting knowlege to configure the panel. You can take a look at the admin guide to see an overview of the configuration process.




:arrow: http://my.tcadmin.com/downloads/tcadmin.pdf




And you can also take a look at the system requirements in our knowlege base here :arrow: http://support.tcadmin.com/faq.php?action=&group=TCAdmin_FAQ&s=




If the install worries you, then we can allways install it for you as well.

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I like what I see, I have tried another panel an dits just not working, support is really bad too, but in honesty it does not seem that great here either, given the space between respones.




I am a newbie to this so support is paramount.




Your licences are not very clear to me, how much do I have to pay, I just want to run a couple of different games for my forum members, I am not even going to profit from this, its just a service with enough in terms of cash to cover the server and panel costs.





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If you are going to be running TCAdmin on one dedicated server you will just need either a monthly master license ($15.95/month) or purchase a master license ($200 one time).




Sorry if we disappointed you on support, but I am sure that if you ask and read around you will see things differently.




Last night at around 12PM we were notified of a problem with our Teamspeak integration. 30 minutes later we had an update available. In this week alone we have released 2 updates (not including the bug fix) that include some functionality requested by our customers.





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What about in terms of setting up games! I do not make myself out to be a pro more a hopeless beginner as far as online gaming is concerned.




Will you help me to configure the 3 or 4 games I intend to use? As I said before, this is not for profit, just simply a bit of fun for my forum members.




I tried another panel and their support just dont reply.




If there is assitance for me to set up AA, WOLF ET, COD and MOHAA then I will buy now :smile: Even just a reasonable how to would be nice.




Let me know on this and I will purxhase today ;)









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The administrator's guide will show you how to setup games, but does not go into detail for each game.




For game specific configurations we have created this forum http://forums.tcadmin.com/viewforum.php?f=10 where clients can share/request configuration files for any game they wish to support.






I have posted the configuration file for WolfET here http://forums.tcadmin.com/viewtopic.php?t=62




All you have to do from there is create a game folder called C:\GameInstalls or where ever you want to keep your game installation files. Download the wolfenstein installer and the latest patch and install to C:\GameInstalls\WolfET. Then log in to your panel and click on the "create a game server" icon.




For the other games you want to support you will follow the same process.

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