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TCAdmin Beta 6 Build 1.0.2100.35465


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Not to be stupid but what is -tickrate?








In the service settings for each game there is a feild for additonal arguments. You can enter an argument such as -tickrate 100 for that individual game server. The variable %additonalarguements% can be used in the command line settings in the game configs.




Let's say you put the %additonalarguements% variable in your default command line for Counter Strike Source. Then you type in -tickrate 100 in the additional arguments line of one of your Game Servers that is running CS:S. It would add -tickrate 100 to that command line.



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-tickrate forces Half Life Source based game to run at a higher update rate than the default.




Example: Counter Strike Source runs at a tickrate of 33 by default. You can boost this rate by adding -tickrate 66 or -tickrate 100 to your command line for that game. This boosts the performance of the game, giving better shot registration. But beware, it does use additional CPU and RAM.




Also, to get tickrate to act correctly on a windows server, you must open Windows Media Player, and leave it idle on the desktop of the server. This adjusts the windows mulitmedia timer within the OS to allow the higher tickrate to take effect.

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Can i just say i love you guys.




The update works great with BF1942 and all ports are working great.




Once i finish BFV and BF2 on the master server i'll get licences ordered for all our windows servers and then we are just waiting on linux integration for the rest of our servers.

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Great! Rome wasn't built in a day so you'll have to wait a while for the Linux version. :razz:


The Linux test was a proof of concept to see what could be done and what I was doing in the coding that was not liked by Mono on Linux. Back then I got most of the major features working in Linux so once we start on that again we should get a beta going fairly quickly. We have one major update left that will include many great new features. I can't go into details but you'll see them soon enough. Then we get back to supporting Linux. :grin:

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As long as the client purchases or leases the license from us,it's your system, and you can pretty much do what you like with it. I can't honestly tell you that what you suggested will work, as I haven't tried connecting 2 masters togather in the way you mentioned.




Basically you can't lease or purchase a license under your company and resell it to another.

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There's 2 reasons for wanting this.




If you rent out a dedicated machine you can install a reduced features version of the panel on there machine at a price and make some profit of it. As it is now we would not recieve any kick backs from TCAdmin for purchasing a licence for some one else. We would get all the headaches of the support but no income.




Also why would I want a client to see the full capabilities of the panel. If they do and decide that it's so easy to setup games they may very well decide to try and turn some profit off it go in to business as a provider them self. Now you just helped some n00b get his business running and he's compeating against you for clients.

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why don't I get notified about these things!! :razz: I'll get this fixed in a quick update. Probably later today. The value is saved in TC_INFO if anybody wants to change it manaully.




Here is a script if you don't have a database editor. Just edit the message and buffer.




<div class="pre"><pre><tcascript>

<language name="VB" />

<waitForUserAction value="true"/>




Imports System


Public Class Test

Public Shared Sub Main()

TCAdminSDK.Info.SetDatabaseValue("FTPServerBuffer", "65536")

TCAdminSDK.Info.SetDatabaseValue("FTPWelcome", "TCAdmin FTP Server")


End Sub

End Class





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