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Graw2 command line


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Hi i m searching the right command line for make graw2 server work.

I have try the config provided by tangogc but teh cfg don't have command line and it don't start the game.

Some one can help me??

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via rdp it work well with tcadmin it start over and over graw2_dedicated.exe...

is possible to change dir form local/GRAW2/ to other one?


i try to run it with my rdp account and now i get this crash reportThu Jul 23 13:13:41 2009



Crash in application version: 30899.3048


Unhandled exception - access violation





graw2_dedicated (???) : ???

??? (???) : ???

graw2_dedicated (???) : ???


Renderer: threaded

Physics : normal

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  • 6 months later...

I am running into this same problem. If I remote admin into the game and douple click the graw2_dedicated.exe file it will load the server with no problems at all. If I use tcadmin it starts to load and then dies (when watching the Task Manger). Depending on how fast you set the restart timer depends on how fast it will load more graw2_dedicated.exe servers. Now they will keep coming up even though I set the setting to manual. Also if you go to stop the server it will stop it from populating another server but it does not close the existing ones that are already open in task manager.

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TCAdmin doesn't do any hocus pocus to the game, it simply starts the executable with the commandline that you give it. If it is spawning multiple processes then you really need to use remote desktop in /admin mode and check what happens when you start the game via the panel. This is the only way to see what is happening.


Most likely the game is not starting properly and errors out and the system monitor is spawning new processes since it thinks it is not running.

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Yes I totally agree with you on that. I am logged into the server and watching it as I start the server up. All I see is the graw2_dedicated.exe file in the task manager. I agree that it crashes for what ever reason. But if I run my same .bat which has the command start graw2_dedicated.exe it loads the dedicated server just fine. Or if I just double click the graw2_dedicated.exe it also runs just fine. But if I initiate the graw2_dedicated.exe with cd admin it starts loading prob gets 90 percent done and then like you said up above stops running and yes it starts another process again. The other thing is if I try to stop the server all it does is stops the tcadmin and keeps from starting another but does not shut down the graw2_dedicated.exe in the processes. I really do understand what you guys are telling me. I am just baffled with why it just wont load. Also if I check mark the Interact With Desktop it should load up in a dos screen correct like it normally would? If this is the case it is not doing that as well. I am not sure why it isn't.

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I am almost wondering if its because I am running windows 2008 64bit OS. Like I said I go to the Usersfiles and go into the user I made which there is only one and if I double click on the dedicated server loads up and people join. But for some reason when I start it with tcadmin it loads part way and dumps. It is just very odd. I know the config file for it is good because I had it running earlier with several joining. Just not sure why it wont work. Or if there might be an issue somewhere else.

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I recall a similar issue with another game "forget the name" that actually started the exe which spawn a process then within a second after it spawn a secondary process which started the game.


Also with the interact with desktop checked and win2008 I am not sure if the console will actually show. I know it works for Win2003 server.


Maybe Rich from Defcon can shed some light on how he has his running? Might be a trick to it, or it could be OS related???

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I believe the game your referring to with the multiple consoles was Rainbow6 vegas.



I can check but offhand I don't believe we have any w2008 boxes sitting around to test on but Win2k3 works without any problems. It's not the easiest game to troubleshoot but if you have a good config and Directx/Physx installed on the server box I don't know of any reason it shouldn't run. The only thing I can think of is the w2k8/64bit combo causing issues..

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I had installed (and runned it) GRAW2 on Win2003 32bit/64bit without any problem but the day i moved it to Win2008 64bit ... everything shit on me.


I could not say that your problem is 100% on Windows Server 2008 but this OS is kind of funny and many of our issues where related to the OS. Maybe the 32bit version is more friendly but we only use the 64bit.


The only advise i could give to you is to keep some game servers on Windows Server 2003 and have the new game (after 2008) on Windows Server 2008. Even there, compare them because some old game run better on Win2008.


Im following Defcon|Rich on this one.

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Yeah I kinda figured as much. Hopefully TCA team can find a solution for this. To get the desktop function working. I can run the game fine but it just does like to be in a service :(

I seen someone else put a post threw that was about a year old saying they were having the same issue but with another game.

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I recall a similar issue with another game "forget the name" that actually started the exe which spawn a process then within a second after it spawn a secondary process which started the game.


Also with the interact with desktop checked and win2008 I am not sure if the console will actually show. I know it works for Win2003 server.


Maybe Rich from Defcon can shed some light on how he has his running? Might be a trick to it, or it could be OS related???


In 08 it will show you just need to start up the interact with desktop service.

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I do have some light on this subject. I turned on Interactive services. If I start the game and during the load the interactive services box pops up. Program can't display messages on your desktop. Now if I do nothing and let it go the game crashes. Now if I go ahead and click on Show me the messege. I see the dedicated game dialog box loading up and guess what. The game loads and runs. TCAdmin will also shut the game down as well. But without clicking the button to show me the messege then the game will crash. Does anyone know how to turn this on so it will show? This will fix my problem with windows 2008.

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I also found this as well.


You have a service, or an app running as one, that is trying to pop-up a window from the SYSTEM (session 0) desktop to your logged-on

session. By default, this is NOT allowed anymore - it worked in XP/2003/downlevel OSes because in those OSes, you logged into session 0, but not so anymore in Vista / Server 2008.


Is there a way to make tcadmin now pick session 0 ??


I did knowtice this when I was testing and looking at the difference when the game loads.

If I manually do it it is loading under administrator account. If TCAdmin loads it it is under system. So this would be the reason why the game crashes during load. Also why it works under windows 2003 and not with vista/2008.

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So I guess what im basically saying is. This does not matter if you use 32bit or 64bit as it was a change by microsoft from vista, windows 2008, 2008 R2, and Windows 7 operation systems to not allow any kind of dos screen to run from session 0.

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