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longer timeout for backing up database?


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Hi is it possible to set a longer timeout for the backing up database system tool? I am now past the point where it will time out instead of start.




I have 30+ machines with 2 weeks performance deta and all the servers. I believe it just takes too long to gather the info before it times out.





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it was 2 minutes i changed it to 20 minutes. I dont believe thats what im up against as it times out after about 10 with either setting. I think its something within ie thats doing it not the server or your site it just takes too long so it times out.

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Might be due to a large database.




Are you using the MYSql backup through TCAdmin?




If so, I can have Luis take a look at it.




For reference, with larger databases, I would suggest installing MYSql manager and setting a scheduled backup within it.




This will fully automoate the MYSql back, so you don't need to manually do it.




If you need help installing and/or setting up a backup, we would be more than happy to help you out. Just throw a ticket our way :smile:

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Yes im using the backup from the web page. I find it handy to pull it down to a remote location on demand. There are many other ways of doing it, I just got used to doing it that way.


Not really and issue I can use msa to do it.



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