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Quake 3 Error


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+exec server.cfg +exec banned.cfg +set net_port %serverport% +set net_ip %serverip% +set dedicated 2


///////Quake 3 Arena server.cfg


// Server Name

seta sv_hostname "%hostname%"


// admin password

seta rconPassword "%rconpassword%"


// message of the day

seta g_motd "Welcome to our server!"


// punkbuster enable or disable

seta sv_punkbuster "1"


// enable or disable a pure server

seta sv_pure "1"


// Log file handling

seta logfile "1"

seta g_logsync "0"

seta g_log "games.log"


// private and public slots

seta sv_maxclients "%slots%"

seta sv_privateClients "0"


// enables a private server

seta g_needpass 0

seta g_password "%privatepassword%"


// min and max ping

seta sv_minping "0"

seta sv_maxping "0"


// query servers

seta sv_master1 "master.quake3arena.com"

seta sv_master2 ""


// idle kick handling

seta g_inactivity "0"

seta sv_timeout "200"


// bot settings

seta bot_enable "1"

seta bot_nochat "0"

seta bot_report "0"

seta bot_minplayers "0"

seta bot_rocketjump "1"

seta g_spSkill "2"


// gravity

seta g_gravity "800"


// enable or disable friendly fire

seta g_friendlyFire "0"


// enable or disable voting

seta g_allowVote "1"


// allow or disallow cheat codes

seta sv_cheats "0"


// force auto team join

seta g_teamAutoJoin "0"


// enable or disable autobalancing

seta g_teamForceBalance "0"


// dynamic knock back value. Default is 1000

seta g_knockback "1000"


// allow autodownload

seta sv_allowDownload "1"


// enable or disable warmup

seta g_doWarmup "0"


// amount of time in seconds a player is auto-respawned

seta g_forceRespawn "20"


// warmup time

seta g_warmup "20"


// round limits

seta fraglimit "20"

seta timelimit "0"

seta capturelimit "8"


// weapon respawn time

seta g_weaponRespawn "5"

seta g_weaponTeamRespawn "30"


// damage multiplier for players who get a quad damage powerup

seta g_quadfactor "3"


// amount of time a frozen player is removed from the server

seta sv_zombietime "2"


// player speed

seta g_speed "320"


// max player reconnections

seta sv_reconnectlimit "3"


// misc

seta g_filterban "1"

seta sv_floodProtect "1"

seta g_synchronousClients "0"


//// deathmatch settings

// 8 - no falling damage

// 16 - fixed FOV

// 32 - no footsteeps

seta dmflags "0"


// server rates

seta sv_fps "20"

seta com_hunkMegs "56"

seta sv_maxrate "0"


///////// map rotation

///// gametypes (0 - Free For All, 1 - Tournament, 2 - Team Deathmatch, 3 - Capture the Flag)

set d1 "set g_gametype 0 ; map q3dm19 ; set nextmap vstr d2"

set d2 "set g_gametype 1 ; map q3tourney1 ; set nextmap vstr d3"

set d3 "set g_gametype 3 ; map q3dm8 ; set nextmap vstr d4"

set d4 "set g_gametype 4 ; map q3ctf2 ; set nextmap vstr d1"

vstr d1

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I remember playing Q3 Arena. Actually I remember playing Q1 on 14.4k dialup.


God I am getting old... :(


Quake 1 was back in the good ol days of gaming, back when it was fun. Sure blows the pants off many of the news games out lately.


I still love Quake 3.


I would suggest you change up your commandline and keep things in a good format..

+set dedicated 2 +set net_ip %serverip% +set net_port %serverport% +exec server.cfg
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That didn't make a difference it was also just a config that was posted by Jason so assmued it would have worked fine.


I wasnt saying it as a solution, only saying you keep it nice and clean in it a better order.


Your config looks fine and your commandline should be set, so if you are still getting a dead server I would have to say it could be your new set of files.


Use the same commandline and cfg on your home PC for your steam version and see what happens. Q3 is pretty easy to host, so without being able to actually see the setup it is pretty hard to troubleshoot an issue such as this.

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Quake 1 was back in the good ol days of gaming, back when it was fun. Sure blows the pants off many of the news games out lately.


I still love Quake 3.


I would suggest you change up your commandline and keep things in a good format..


It's funny you mention that. Even though today's games are much better graphics wise, I can never remember having an issue with a Quake server or the client ever crashing...


I used to play for hours on end on dialup.:grin:

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I wasnt saying it as a solution, only saying you keep it nice and clean in it a better order.


Your config looks fine and your commandline should be set, so if you are still getting a dead server I would have to say it could be your new set of files.


Use the same commandline and cfg on your home PC for your steam version and see what happens. Q3 is pretty easy to host, so without being able to actually see the setup it is pretty hard to troubleshoot an issue such as this.


Yes, it should be very easy to host but it doesn't help considering I am getting no error messages in the console. Argh.

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It's funny you mention that. Even though today's games are much better graphics wise, I can never remember having an issue with a Quake server or the client ever crashing...


I used to play for hours on end on dialup.:grin:


I still think its one of the best games ever made. Ive been playing Q3 since 2003 and my friends been playing since 1999. We just moved over to Quake Live this year, but all in all its still the same game, just prettier with shittier netcode. Really one of those amazing games that has quite a bit of life left in it.


Now im just waiting for iD to release the server files for it so we can start running it :) They already said the original idea of advertisements in game is not making nearly as much profit as expected, and are looking for new methods of making money off of it indirectly. I wish they would stop beating around the bush and just give us the files. Save them money, and make us money. :D

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