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Works fine on tcadmin for me.


On a side note didn't I tell you, people will have problems with the config as it's not correct.


Attached a working config for you guys can enjoy :)


Credit also goes to HIS Mother for the server.cfg as it was alot more detailed then ours.



The config file worked Derek, thanks alot :D


TCAdmin now installs L4D2 demo and it can be seen in steam server browser :)


Thanks alot :)

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Is the demo causing weird lag issues for anyone else? Im not sure whats causing it as the rest of my servers are running fine, but I used that config Derek posted (dont see how that would matter at all) and it like lags out for 5 seconds every 15 seconds or so.

Is this for everyone in your server or just you?

I ask as I have a friend that had this issue and it turned out he needed to disable Multicore Rendering in the advance section of the video options and it cleared it right up.

Now he had to do this for the demo even tho he does not have to do it for L4D retail.

Might try that on your client.

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I've noticed that the exclusive steamgroup option works "when it wants to" I've seen a few complaints about it... the configs all look correct compared to L4D 1.


Just so you know, if a customer is complaining his server is in use by people, it may technically not be the fault of the config.


Steps to reproduce, have a steamcommunity member join, than leave a server after he invites people to join with him, than after that game it seems to go into public mode.


I'm not 100% sure thats what does it... but its close.

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