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A few more screens...


The server widgets you see are both moveable and can be minimized and maximized.

As you can see they can also have settings applied to them.


This is just one of the many widget controls that you will find throughout the panel.



Edited by ECF
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Yes, the template is simply the color scheme that was used from one of the version 1 themes. The software has been completely re-written from the ground up using the latest ajax controls and incorporates ASP.NET 3.5.


The current developement set that Luis is using hosts a ton of new features that we plan on using. There is a full reporting module that we have no even touch on yet. But I can think of one great report set to have and that would be for the reseller module to show how many slots each client has running :)


Yes you are correct that there is a "runas" tab and yes it is functional. The old method of running a TCAdmin service to control each game service has been replaced with a server monitor which keeps track of all the programs running on each server. So there will only be 2 TCAdmin services running per box. The monitor service and the service control manger. This will cut down on RAM usage and will also allow you to run as many programs as you like since they will no longer be running aswindows services. In addition there will be a service manager program file that you can use while logged into the actual box to control the games and or voice servers.


See attached screenshot.


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Great stuff.


I like the idea of a service control Mgr. Not from a RaM usage standpoint as most boxes have more than enough these days and top out on CPU before RAM, but for the simple fact of working in a box and being able to start/stop/disable instead of using TCA web interface or via services.msc I do see the advantage though of it not spwaning multiple services for a specific instance, ie tcadminservice.exe + gameserver.exe.


Curious.... Is this full linux intigration or is Mono still going to be required? Also can the Master be run on linux?

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