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Installing Games - Stuck in the mud

Guest NGS-Brett

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Guest NGS-Brett

Some of the Config files dont work such as GM 10.


It gives me an error and says error saving. But when i do it for GM 9 it works. Any idea?

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how can you "ignore" some1's messages and posts. Would like to block this kind of ppl to not help them by accident.I know its doable will keep searching in options.


just figured out :


clicked on his name > view public profile > user lists > add to ignore list

Edited by dimitrifrom31
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There is no need to start destroying the guy. These are support forums, if you dont want to help, dont help him, its simple, but dont put him down. Its all a learning experience.


Brett, if you like, give me the list of the games you need help installing and i will intruct you on how to do so. Some games require CDs or you can buy and download from Direct2Drive.


Let me know and i can help you, post a list.

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There is no need to start destroying the guy. These are support forums, if you dont want to help, dont help him, its simple, but dont put him down. Its all a learning experience.


Brett, if you like, give me the list of the games you need help installing and i will intruct you on how to do so. Some games require CDs or you can buy and download from Direct2Drive.


Let me know and i can help you, post a list.


sry that I dont wana help wanabe GSP asking questions about everything not to mention his obvious illegal business but i dont wana bother start a debate , this is my personal choice.

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How did you install your AA servers back in April?


He was hosted on our servers back then.....decided to go on his own now.


EDIT: Guess i should read the whole thread first...it was already answered by brett. lol

Edited by swish
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Fair enough, you dont want to help him. Do you need to critizise him for asking a question. Are you trying to tell me you never asked a question before.


Yes, hacking honor on servers is wrong. Tell him that. Dont assume your the bigger guy because "the size of my gsp is bigger than yours", atleast you can make up for something there.


Why are you seriously wasting your time commenting with such comments, you clearly have alot of spare time. Either business is down or clearly your so good at your good it gives you time to reflect on your days when starting out and how you "were nothing like that".


Give me a break.


Still waiting for that list Brett : )

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Puppy, your seriously going to defend/help someone who is knowingly trying to pull the wool over the eyes of people? It is situations like this that give legitimate businesses a bad name. I've posted simply in hopes of enlightening some that another fly by night/shady "company" (I use that term loosely as I sincerely doubt it is a Company in any sense) is seeking help from those that are legitimate. Should anyone who is in this business help out someone who sticks it to us by doing things that have been stated? I don't mean to start a flame in any sense, however, if your willing to help someone illegally run their business than your simply no different than him/them. I've said my peace on this waste of time and I hope you reconsider being partner/company to someone who stoops to those levels. I recently started my business and in no way shape or form would I consider doing things illegally. Either you invest the money and do things right, or you simply don't belong doing it.

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Fair enough, you dont want to help him. Do you need to critizise him for asking a question. Are you trying to tell me you never asked a question before.


Yes, hacking honor on servers is wrong. Tell him that. Dont assume your the bigger guy because "the size of my gsp is bigger than yours", atleast you can make up for something there.


Why are you seriously wasting your time commenting with such comments, you clearly have alot of spare time. Either business is down or clearly your so good at your good it gives you time to reflect on your days when starting out and how you "were nothing like that".


Give me a break.


Still waiting for that list Brett : )


ppl who request help about every single step they gota make and wana get spoon fed are just giving GSP's a bad name, cant imagine how this guy will manage to answer his customers support tickets.

this is not personal, this is facts. and hes not planning to start a GSP, he actually owns one. Good luck with him you are the one who will need " a lot of spare time" to help him.

Thx for caring about me, yes I managed to free a lot of my support time automating 90% of the tasks, click on my sig I will be happy to help you to free some of yours to spend it with brett ;)

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I am not saying i am willing to help him run his illegal business. What he does is his business. He had a bad post, whos to say hes stopped and thought "i want to do this right". So he does it right, he posts for help, and because of one previous post he is now branded for life that he will be running illegally.


I have no connection to him, nor do i want any connection to him. But if someone asks a question on a forum i answer the best i possibly can, instead of wasting my time and everyone elses bashing a name. Someone will search this forum looking for help, my time helping him may be passed onto others, instead they are going to see this 4+ page forum stating why hes a bad guy.. and now i am suddenly a bad guy for wanting to help him.


You wont bring me down with this, nor am i going to sit back and be walked over by someone else.


Perhaps your time can be put to better use, let me know if you need help with that ;).

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I am not saying i am willing to help him run his illegal business. What he does is his business. He had a bad post, whos to say hes stopped and thought "i want to do this right". So he does it right, he posts for help, and because of one previous post he is now branded for life that he will be running illegally.


I have no connection to him, nor do i want any connection to him. But if someone asks a question on a forum i answer the best i possibly can, instead of wasting my time and everyone elses bashing a name. Someone will search this forum looking for help, my time helping him may be passed onto others, instead they are going to see this 4+ page forum stating why hes a bad guy.. and now i am suddenly a bad guy for wanting to help him.


You wont bring me down with this, nor am i going to sit back and be walked over by someone else.


Perhaps your time can be put to better use, let me know if you need help with that ;).


I personaly dont even take in account the honor stuff, Im just saying the kind of person who is running/plan to run a GSP without bothering searching some stuffs by himself, and wait to get spoon fed (even offering money for it) about every single step he gota make doesnt deserve to be helped cuz he will just fail anyway and give a bad name to the profession by being unable to answer a single support ticket.

Note that he was already redirected to the KB articles and instead of posting here he should be running tests on his machine so he wouldnt have to pay sum1 else to do it.

This is just my opinion, I might be wrong and I dont care at all if you help him or not, you commented my reaction so I just replied, theres nothing personal.

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Might be easier to just send him money to save yourself time, cause by setting up his entire "company" for him, and him not having the slightest clue how to do anything after your done helping you have basically just handed him money and risk your potential customers will have to deal with a GSP who really is not prepared and really shouldnt be starting a business in an industry that clearly is not understood by the person starting it.


Brett consider hiring someone who has experience instead of trying to pay people to setup and configure your entire company.


Good Luck!

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Might be easier to just send him money to save yourself time, cause by setting up his entire "company" for him, and him not having the slightest clue how to do anything after your done helping you have basically just handed him money and risk your potential customers will have to deal with a GSP who really is not prepared and really shouldnt be starting a business in an industry that clearly is not understood by the person starting it.


Brett consider hiring someone who has experience instead of trying to pay people to setup and configure your entire company.


Good Luck!


amen to that


I have known sum1 who tried to start a GSP the same way, I started helping but he didnt know anything and was taking too much of my time so I started "working for him", basically he was paying me to make interventions, add new stuffs, from times to times. After 1 month I figured out his business was illegal after some weird comments he made about TS licences and stopped helping (I was literally doing all the support/setup job). The company closed 15 days later taking customers money. Fortunately he had not much yet.

When you start a business such as a GSP you gota be able to manage it by yourself and if you succeed and grow then you can hie ppl to get helped but no way you can succeed if your not able to drive the boat when ur on ur own. Ppl helping him now are in fact contributing to his failure later.

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amen to that


I have known sum1 who tried to start a GSP the same way, I started helping but he didnt know anything and was taking too much of my time so I started "working for him", basically he was paying me to make interventions, add new stuffs, from times to times. After 1 month I figured out his business was illegal after some weird comments he made about TS licences and stopped helping (I was literally doing all the support/setup job). The company closed 15 days later taking customers money. Fortunately he had not much yet.

When you start a business such as a GSP you gota be able to manage it by yourself and if you succeed and grow then you can hie ppl to get helped but no way you can succeed if your not able to drive the boat when ur on ur own. Ppl helping him now are in fact contributing to his failure later.


Well said :cool

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amen to that


I have known sum1 who tried to start a GSP the same way, I started helping but he didnt know anything and was taking too much of my time so I started "working for him", basically he was paying me to make interventions, add new stuffs, from times to times. After 1 month I figured out his business was illegal after some weird comments he made about TS licences and stopped helping (I was literally doing all the support/setup job). The company closed 15 days later taking customers money. Fortunately he had not much yet.

When you start a business such as a GSP you gota be able to manage it by yourself and if you succeed and grow then you can hie ppl to get helped but no way you can succeed if your not able to drive the boat when ur on ur own. Ppl helping him now are in fact contributing to his failure later.


Amen to that, the trouble is they all think its place a bunch of files there and then away you go. When in fact there is more work after being setup then the setup was. I wish I could roll the work level back to the days when setup was my only worry ;)

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Amen to that, the trouble is they all think its place a bunch of files there and then away you go. When in fact there is more work after being setup then the setup was. I wish I could roll the work level back to the days when setup was my only worry ;)


thats a common idea that running a GSP is about playing games. In fact its the total opposite. Since I started as a GSP I got no time to play anymore.

And the skills required to do the job are definitely not Counter Strike aiming skills unlike some ppl seem to believe.

If you think GSP is an easy job sitting behind your PC playing and getting paid for it you are SO wrong.

Was earning more and working less when I was in McDonald's.

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  • 1 year later...
There is no need to start destroying the guy. These are support forums, if you dont want to help, dont help him, its simple, but dont put him down. Its all a learning experience.


Brett, if you like, give me the list of the games you need help installing and i will intruct you on how to do so. Some games require CDs or you can buy and download from Direct2Drive.


Let me know and i can help you, post a list.


Can i be supported as well by helping with gameinstalls? I've found no install scripts , opposite to V2 , which includes some nifty scripts on windows :)


Sorry for breaking into this thread this way :p

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