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script to restart empty game servers


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Just change the game id TCXXXXXXXXXXXX and run it on the master. To restart all empty game servers of all game types leave it like it is.


<language name="VB" />
<waitForUserAction value="true"/>


Imports System

Public Class Collector
   Public Shared Sub Main()
       Dim gameid As String = "TCXXXXXXXXXXXX"
       Dim services() As TCAdminSDK.Objects.Service = TCAdminSDK.Objects.Service.GetServices()

       If Not services Is Nothing Then
           For Each service As TCAdminSDK.Objects.Service In services
                   If service.GameID = gameid Or gameid = "TCXXXXXXXXXXXX" Then
                       If service.CurrentStatus = TCAdminSDK.Objects.ServiceStatus.Running Then
                           Dim gswPlugin As TCAdminBase.Plugins.IGenericPlugIn = TCAdminSDK.Remote.InstanceCreator.GetPluginFromServer(service.ServerID, "TCAdmin.Plugins.GameStats.ServerPlugin", "TCAdmin.Plugins.GameStats")
                           Dim xmldata As String = gswPlugin.Execute(New Object() {"GetGameServerStatus", service.ServerIP, service.ServerQueryPort, service.GameID, service.ServiceID})
                           If Not xmldata Is Nothing Then
                               Dim ds As New System.Data.DataSet
                               Dim stream As New System.IO.StringReader(xmldata)

                               If ds.Tables.Count = 0 Then
                                   Console.WriteLine("No results were returned: {0}", service.UniqueDisplayNameWithOwner)
                                   Dim activeplayers As Integer = ds.Tables(0).Rows(0).Item("Active Players")
                                   Console.WriteLine("{0} has {1} active players.", service.UniqueDisplayNameWithOwner, activeplayers)
                                   If activeplayers = 0 Then
                                   End If
                               End If

                               Console.WriteLine("No results were returned: {0}", service.UniqueDisplayNameWithOwner)
                           End If
                           Console.WriteLine("{0} is not running", service.UniqueDisplayNameWithOwner)
                       End If
                   End If
               Catch ex As Exception
                   Console.WriteLine("Error checking {0}: {1}", service.UniqueDisplayNameWithOwner, ex.ToString())
               End Try
       End If
   End Sub
End Class



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It can be used to restart any game.


I updated the script so you can restart all games. Just leave the game id ="TCXXXXXXXXXXXX"


There was also a script error that I fixed :|:



what derek meant was "can it restart all empty game servers at once" with the condition they are empty i assume.


However derek some games cant be queried so they would be considered as empty even if full.

Maybe Luis can manage a way to include the condition "game has compatibility set" so it would restart ALL game servers that can be queried and that are empty.


I tried to make such a script without chance but i might use it for other purposes.

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what derek meant was "can it restart all empty game servers at once" with the condition they are empty i assume.


However derek some games cant be queried so they would be considered as empty even if full.

Maybe Luis can manage a way to include the condition "game has compatibility set" so it would restart ALL game servers that can be queried and that are empty.


I tried to make such a script without chance but i might use it for other purposes.


Yes that is what it does just leave the script as it is and it will restart all game servers of any game type that does not have any players.


If the game does not have the game compatibility set it will fail and move to the next game server. It will not restart it.

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Yes that is what it does just leave the script as it is and it will restart all game servers of any game type that does not have any players.


If the game does not have the game compatibility set it will fail and move to the next game server. It will not restart it.



oh good i didnt understand it this way the first time, very nice script then, ima use it.

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nice! ahha sorry im not sure if you missed my question ;P

hiow about server with HLTV or sourcetv?


does it skip it or restart it as well?


thanks! have a great weekend guys ;)


It only restarts the main game. You will have to run another script with the HLTV game id.

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Nice, but i would add some sleep time between stopping, starting and going to the next server.


Something like....


If activeplayers = 0 Then
[color="green"]     ' Wait 2 seconds before starting it up again[/color]
[color="green"]     ' Wait 10 seconds before the next stop[/color]
End If

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