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Call of Duty Files


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Hello :grin:,




I ran into troubles with the Call of Duty Windwos Files. Where do I get them? On the Website of callofduty (all flash how much i hate that) there is like no information about the server, and on fileplanet and other similar sites i can not find the windows server files, only linux. Does somebody of you know where to get the windows files, or do i have to buy the game? If I have to do so, it will hopefully run without CD rite?






Sorry for a stupid post like this, but like I said, the producers of Call of Duty dont provide any information on their site.




Best Regards



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damn same problem with call of duty 2, i only find linux server files where is the windows?




this is really annoying me now, sucks big time.




So please help me, is much apreciated!








Best Regards



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oh ok allrite.




Well once i bought it or already have it (call of duty for example), do i have to drive to the datacenter and install it locally there or is there a way i can transfer the installation?








Best Regards



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Well the options are this




1. Drive to datacentre install it there




2. Install it locally at home and upload the full install path




Its a massive file (COD2 is over 3Gb) and zipping makes near enough no difference as the files are a form of zip anyway.




If your going to upload it then you must have a fantastic upload speed





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