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RedOrchestra From Valve


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ECF thanks for the config its working like a treat and the servers full so I can see how its running cpu and ram wise :razz:




keep us updated about that please, would be very nice to know the requirements and usage of this game, since this start i get the feeling that this could be pretty resource eating

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After playing around with it a bit more, I found that the default query port is 7767 and you can set the Game Compatibility to "Unreal Tournament" for status display.




The above config works 100% as I have heard back from 2 people that used it. This of course is after I fixed the little mistake with the /system/ucc.exe in the relative executable field.




Thank you to everyone that tested it out for us :smile:



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Bah! I screwed the config up!




In the config set relative executable field to /system/ucc.exe




Our current commandline is as follows if this helps ya:


X:\UserFiles\ADMIN\GameServers\TCxxxxxxxxxxxxx\system\ucc.ex e server RO-Konigsplatz.rom?deathmessagemode=3?game=ROEngine.ROTeamGa me?MinPlayers=0? -log=ServerLog.log -multihome=xx.xx.xx.xx




Ill fix the config and re-upload it.




Is it still supposed to have that space in it 'game=ROEngine.ROTeamGa me?'



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Ok scores on the board are




Dual 3.2 with 4gb ram




32 man RO server with 30 peeps in




Using 25% CPU




200MB Ram






Did anyone see what happens when the server restarts?




WOW! :cry:




ECF, thanks for the config! :cool:

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  • 3 months later...

Open the Service settings for the server you would like to change it for and change the priority field from normal to a lower setting, then save and restart the game.




However, this may effect the game itself when players are on it.

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