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TCAdmin 2.0.27 now available


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New Features


  • TCAdmin can now display the current bandwidth usage of a service. To enable this feature you must install winpcap on Windows or libpcap on Linux. Restart the service manager after installing.
  • Added live players, cpu, memory and bandwidth usage to the service home page. By default only admins can view them. To enable for other user types go to each game settings and enable in the Feature Permissions tab.
  • The following columns are now available for the game and voice services list: slots, players, cpu, memory, bandwidth, process id. To add them select Grid Columns > Configure Columns. Select the columns then Grid Columns > Save Settings.
  • The game monitor rule detection allows variables to be used in the value field.
  • The Minecraft config has been updated in our forums to not allow the value of server-port to be changed.
  • Added UT99 and COD4 configs to forums.

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Yep, I don't know of any way to pull it via telnet either, but since the individual instances are listed in the browser in terms of packets/byes sent and received would it be possible to have that listed in the voice servers area as a column to add?


Side note I was looking in General Settings>TeamSpeak servers their is a field for "Browsers" that does not have the "Browser" heading. Its just a blank header once you add that column to the config. So a small bug...

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