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here is a typical config



// Modern Warfare 3 Server Configuration




// Server command-line parameters (this section is for documentation only)


// Specify server configuration file (this file)

//+set sv_config "server.cfg" (default "server.cfg")


// Specify server visibility (1 = LAN, 2 = Internet (default) )

//+set dedicated 1


// Open game port (Steam-visible server game port)

//+set net_queryPort 27014


// Secure game port

//+set net_port 27015


// Steam authentication port

//+set net_authPort 8766


// Steam master server (server browser) port

//+set net_masterServerPort 27016





// Server.cfg-configurable settings


// Server host name. This should always be set by the server admin.

set sv_hostname "WarServers.NET"


// Dedicated server play list (DSPL) specifying server map rotation.

// Valid game options are controlled via DSR (dedicated server recipe) specified in the DSPL.

seta sv_maprotation "default"


// Maximum number of clients that may connect to this server (range 1-18)

//set sv_maxclients 8


// Server password. If set, users will be prompted on join attempt.

set g_password ""


// Maximum number of private clients allowed on the server (range 0-18 (clamped to sv_maxclients) )

set sv_privateClients 0


// Password for the private slots on this server. If set, users will be prompted on join attempt.

// Users providing this password will have access to all slots.

// Users providing an incorrect password will have access to the (sv_maxClients - sv_privateClients) public slots.

set sv_privatePassword ""


// Remote console password. If set, users will have access to a remote console, allowing server administration from a connected client.

set rcon_password ""


// Server voice chat configuration ( 0 = "No Chat", 1 = "Free Chat", 2 = "Team Chat" (default) )

set sv_voice 2


// Toggle voting for [player kick/map restart/next map] (0 or 1 (default) )

set g_allowVote 1


// Toggle allowing dead players to chat with living players (0 (default) or 1)

set g_deadChat 0


// Time in seconds before the server will kick a user for inactivity (range 0 - 10000)

set g_inactivity 90


// Time in seconds for a player temporary ban (on kick/tempban) (range 0 - 3600)

set sv_kickBanTime 300


// Toggle flood protection (throttling of user commands - should be enabled for non-password-protected Internet servers) (0 or 1 (default))

set sv_floodProtect 1


set sv_mapRotation "gametype dm map mp_paris"

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So here is what i've gathered:


net_port is the only port the only port that you can change, all the others will default back to the default with a port is write protected error.


So basically this means that currently you can only run one server per IP which is shit. But Hopefully someone will have a workaround for this or they patch it.


Hopefully the first one because it could be a while for a patch.

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So here is what i've gathered:


net_port is the only port the only port that you can change, all the others will default back to the default with a port is write protected error.


So basically this means that currently you can only run one server per IP which is shit. But Hopefully someone will have a workaround for this or they patch it.


Hopefully the first one because it could be a while for a patch.


Changing the other ports seems to work fine for me using the commands in the arguments in the server.cfg, but you have to do it in the commands line obviously.


I take it from your reply the CMD Line is the same (But Different .exe?)



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I was getting this error too, now I'm not getting this


Spawning map: mp_plaza2, gametype tdef

Initializing Steam Game Server: game port 27015, auth port 8766, query port 27017, gamedir modernwarfare3, version



Steam Game Server initialization failed. Unable to continue.

Check installation and verify port settings

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Yes, my upstream is not enough on my dedicated gigabit line server...

If I was causing this error I wouldn't be posting it here.


in the default.dspl i have change this and now working :)





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