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MW3 confgs


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Can someone post a working TC1 config? The config thats attached to this post isnt working. I can start the game directly from the exe but when trying to do a test install, the server never installs to the machine via TCA.




Everything is working for me. Maybe you have another directory name. Check TCA logs.

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I believe that we don't need to delete some zones files because after server update that files will be downloaded automatically again.


If you have no problem with providing every single one of your customers with an 14GB installation...sure.

My plans don't include taking up almost 150GB of disk space for only 10 users.


Also, this game needs some serious patches. It's quite annoying how they always manage to release games with these kind of problems, like no one has tried starting a dedi-server before they released this game to manufacturing.

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I just figured out that sv_maxplayers is ignored, the server goes to 18 in TDM.

Anyone else having the issue?


edit: its sv_maxclients but its ignored anyway


Not having this issue here on our Game Servers

Edited by Frizianz
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running the server manually from a .bat its fine, running it from TCA it goes for 18 slots whatever is set... Exact same command line of course.


I've got running mine through TCA fine with the following command line:


+set dedicated 2 +set net_ip +set net_queryPort 27301 +set net_port 27302 +set net_masterServerPort 27300 +set net_authPort 27303 +set sv_maxclients 14 +set sv_config server.cfg +start_map_rotate 

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Updated mine to

+set dedicated 2 +set net_ip %serverip% +set net_queryPort %customport1% +set net_masterServerPort %serverport% +set net_port %customport2% +set net_authPort 8766 +set sv_config server.cfg +set sv_maxplayers %slots% +set sv_maxclients %slots% +start_map_rotate



where server/query/rcon ports are 27015

customport1 27016

customport2 27017



and its now working...

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If you have no problem with providing every single one of your customers with an 14GB installation...sure.

My plans don't include taking up almost 150GB of disk space for only 10 users.


Also, this game needs some serious patches. It's quite annoying how they always manage to release games with these kind of problems, like no one has tried starting a dedi-server before they released this game to manufacturing.


But with DS update that missing files will be downloaded with hldsupdatetool (Run Steam Update). An I guess you need to plan your server infrastructure counting on 14Gb instalation. 1TB RAID1 can work with 50 servers with 150Gb for user game files. And fot 10 slot server its 500 slots overall. You can add one more RAID1 at any time.


Its strange that hldsupdatetool downloads video files. Maybe on next update they'll remove that files.

Edited by peace
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Hello guys.

I have a problem.

Enabling the steam game updates can not make me any updates and tells me

"No records fount at instllation".

Do you have any idea?

Thank you!


Create a Folder And put hldsupdatetool.exe on there - Then create a BAT File and put


"hldsupdatetool.exe" -command update -game "modernwarfare3" -dir .


in the bat then save and run then leave it


it will say no installation found at ./ as the MW3 Files aren't there

Edited by Spitfire
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